how to work with multiple files

i wonder how to split the code in multiple files when the processing project is too important and then number of code line very high



  • Well, you can create several tabs in the IDE, they will be saved as seperate .pde-files in your sketch-folder.

  • when the processing project is too important

    Use source control too. Git or svn or something. Time-stamped backups even.

  • thanks benja, but can i access from one to the other without problem. I tried this morning but it did not work. I've written a small function in the second tab that i've called from the first one and this function wasn't recognized I'm going to try again

  • all is ok, it works well.

  • @scalpel33, when processing compiles your sketch it treats the tabs like one big long text document -- with the tabs combined in alphabetical order. Everything should always be reachable.

    If something from one tab isn't working like it should, this is occasionally because you have an error (e.g. a missing '}') on the previous tab.

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