Problem while trying to get the sketchbook

edited September 2016 in Using Processing


Having downloaded Processing 3.8 on Windows 7, opening the .exe file for the first time gives the error:

'Problem while trying to get the sketchbook'

The program doesn't run, and I can't find a sketchbook folder anywhere.

I've run the launch4j log file, and it gives the following:

Version:    3.8
CmdLine:    c:\processing-3.2.1\processing.exe --l4j-debug
WOW64:      yes
Working dir:    c:\processing-3.2.1\.
Bundled JRE:    java
Check launcher: c:\processing-3.2.1\java\bin\javaw.exe (OK)
Heap -Xmx:  Requested 256 MB / 0%, Available: 2205 MB, Heap size: 256 MB
Substitute: EXEDIR = c:\processing-3.2.1
Add classpath:  lib\pde.jar
Add classpath:  core\library\core.jar
Add classpath:  lib\jna.jar
Add classpath:  lib\jna-platform.jar
Add classpath:  lib\antlr.jar
Add classpath:  lib\ant.jar
Add classpath:  lib\ant-launcher.jar
Launcher:   c:\processing-3.2.1\java\bin\javaw.exe
Launcher args:  -Xmx256m -Djava.ext.dirs="c:\processing-3.2.1\\java\\lib\\ext" -Djna.nosys=true -Djna.boot.library.path=lib -Djna.nounpack=true -classpath "lib;lib\pde.jar;core\library\core.jar;lib\jna.jar;lib\jna-platform.jar;lib\antlr.jar;lib\ant.jar;lib\ant-launcher.jar"
Args length:    278/32768 chars
Exit code:  259

Thanks in advance for any help.


  • I had the same problem...I created a new windows account and execute processing in it, it ran properly and i downloaded the required modes and libraries. I switched back to my main account and copied the Processing folder from new user acc documents to my current user documents. I also set processing.exe and javaw.exe to trusted appln in my antivirus sw. It worked for me.

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