Java VM crashing on exit when not using FFT object - is it just me?

edited September 2016 in Library Questions

Hi there,

I figured before I go through the long process of reporting a bug, I'd ask here whether anybody else here is able to reproduce the problem on their machine. When I execute the code below, I get an EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION on closing the window.

import processing.sound.*;

FFT fft;
AudioIn in;
int bands = 512;
float[] spectrum = new float[bands];

void setup() {
  size(512, 360);

  // Create an Input stream which is routed into the Amplitude analyzer
  fft = new FFT(this, bands);

void draw() { 
  background(255, 0, 0);


  • I do not get any errors.


  • edited September 2016

    Your sketch crashes on run for me on Processing 3.2.1 / OS X 10.10.5. Although in my case I believe that this is a general compatibility problem with the processing.sound.* library, as the same "device (2) does not support the requested channel count" error happens if I try to run the basic Processing SoundFile example.

    Are you able to get other processing.sound sketches to work?

    libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::runtime_error: RtApiCore::probeDeviceOpen: the device (2) does not support the requested channel count.
    org.eclipse.jdi.TimeoutException: Timeout occurred while waiting for packet 76.
        at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.PacketReceiveManager.getReply(
        at org.eclipse.jdi.internal.connect.PacketReceiveManager.getReply(
    Could not run the sketch (Target VM failed to initialize).
    For more information, read revisions.txt and Help → Troubleshooting.
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