Include own examples

edited September 2016 in Using Processing

Hello, I teach programming in school with processing and the pupils are quite happy with it!
In the next course I would like to include some of my templates in the IDE itself, for instance in a seperate folder in the example dialogue. I copied some pde-files to …/modes/java/examples, but nothing showed up. Is there any way to get it working?

Thanks, and greetings from Germany – Josef



  • This might be helpful:

    I believe that you can distribute directly or "advertise" through the IDE, which will allow students to download your example set straight from the Processing Contribution Manager (e.g. Processing > Tools > Add Tool > Examples)

  • edited September 2016

    Thanks jeremy for your help! The distribution of examples is quite interesting, but too "big" at the moment for this occurence.

    The problem was, that the template file has to be in a folder using the same name, i. e.: modes/java/examples/Basics/Codegeruest/Codegeruest.pde . Same as processing sketches. L-) Then it works…

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