what is the best version of kinect to purchase for working with processing on a mac? a lot of the reference info i'm finding online seems dated or vague. anyone have a "getting started" checklist they recommend, or know if this shiffman article is still accurate?
Take a look here, it seems that the guys saved the libraries for Mac on his Mega (Apple closed every source for the open source drivers): https://creativevreality.wordpress.com/2016/01/26/setting-up-the-kinect-on-osx-el-capitan/
After this you will be able to use openKinect by Shiffman.
And for the version of Kinect, be sure to buy the 1414 model of the Xbox360, the other model doesn't work and for the KinectV2 drivers aren't working good at the moment (maybe in the future)
thanks @KessonDalef. this is great. if i was working with a pc, how might this vary? would the 1414 still be the ideal version?
You are welcome.
If you are on Windows I never manager the Xbox360 model (KinectV1), the best now is KinectV2 that has the official Microsoft API and a good support for all the platforms (Processing as well) and is way better than the first model (either for 3d scanning, skeleton tracking, point clouds). The bad thing is that it works only on Windows (support for Linux and Mac is not so good for now)
Unfortunately I never manager KinectV1 (1414 neither) model on Windows, but if you are on Linux you can get easy the drivers (on Ubuntu there is a repo that permit you to install all the drivers with aptitude)
too bad there isn't a decent overlap between the different os and kinect versions...very helpful though - thanks again.
You're welcome :) , maybe if someone know something better than me it would be helpful