Variations on Voronoi

edited August 2016 in Share Your Work

Hi there,

I just wanted to share some pictures I generated using a program I have written with Processing :) The program started out as a silly way to compute Voronoi diagrams, but I like to toy around until I get something interesting, so I expanded on the method and ended up with some pretty cool pictures. Basically, the user specifies a set of points in an empty image and a color for each of these point. Each of these points defines a cell. Then the program iteratively adds the pixels adjacent to a cell to the cell itself, coloring them. By tinkering with the various parameters of that process, you can create quite different kinds of pictures. I wrote more about the how the images are generated on my rarely updated website; there are also a few detailed views of the pictures available over there.

I am quite proud of how the images turned out :)



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