How to install Video Library without the Library Manager?

edited August 2016 in Using Processing

I have a sketch using the Video library that I'd like to run on a computer that's internet-less. Exporting the sketch as an application just gives me a grey screen when I try to run it on my dev computer (something having to do with not being able to load "gluegen-rt.dll") and similarly, when I tried to run it directly on the target computer (a windows machine, just froze the screen when I ran the executable)

I thought I could maybe find out the cause or at least work around this by installing Processing on the target machine and just running it from the IDE, but I need the Video library for my sketch, and that apparently cannot be installed without using the library manager (quoting ). However, I cannot use the library manager as I have no internet on the target machine.

Is there a way to install the library without having to use the library manager? Thanks!


  • edited August 2016 Answer ✓

    In the sketchbook's location, changeable by hitting CTRL + COMMA, there should be a subfolder called "libraries/".

    You can copy that whole subfolder to your target machine or just its "libraries/video" subfolder. *-:)

  • Thank you! :)

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