Ho do I add a delay to items being generated from an array?

edited August 2016 in p5.js Library Questions

I am trying to add zzz's to my sleeping background image. My Z is in a constructor function and I want to make an array of zzz's coming from a specific point in the sketch constantly at intervals of a few seconds each. They reset if they leave the screen at the top. Anybody have any ideas as to the best way to do this? (thanks in advance!)

var awake;
var ray;

var radius = 156;
var x = 672;
var y = 356;

var zzz = []; // empty array of zzz's

// var zx = x -72 ;
// var zy = y;

var button = false;
var playing = false;

function preload() {
  asleep = loadImage("images/asleep.png");
  awake = loadImage("images/lightbulb.png");
  ray = loadAnimation("images/ray_01.png", "images/ray_04.png");

function setup() {
  createCanvas(1024, 768);


  // for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { //was trying to just have 5 random sized Z's on the screen at any one time
    zzz.push(new Z());
    // zzz[i] = new Z();
  // }

function draw() {

  if (button) {

    background(84, 161, 224);
    image(awake, 0, 0, width, height);
    playing = true;

  } else {

    image(asleep, 0, 0, width, height);
    // z();

    for (var i = 0; i < zzz.length; i++) {


function mousePressed() { 

  var d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y); 
  if (d < radius) {

    if (!playing) { //if the animation is not playing then play

      var rays = createSprite(x, 240);
      rays.addAnimation("normal", "images/ray_01.png", "images/ray_04.png");

    button = !button; //toggle state

function Z() {
  this.x = 600;
  this.y = 350;
  this.textsize = random(20, 50);
  // this.speed = 1;

  this.move = function() {
    this.x = this.x + random(-1, 1);
    this.y = this.y - 1;

  this.display = function() {

    text("Z", this.x, this.y);


  this.reset = function() {
    if (this.y < 0) {
      this.y = 400;



  • Answer ✓

    okay so managed to crack this one! I just needed to take a step back, think about what I was trying to do and go again! I'm posting the code below to answer this

    var awake;
    var ray;
    var radius = 156;
    var x = 670;
    var y = 400;
    var zzz = []; // empty array of zzz's
    var button = false;
    var playing = false;
    function preload() {
      asleep = loadImage("images/asleep.png");
      awake = loadImage("images/lightbulb.png");
      ray = loadAnimation("images/ray_01.png", "images/ray_04.png");
    function setup() {
      createCanvas(1024, 768);
      for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        zzz[i] = new Z(x, y, random(4), random(20, 40), random(200, 255));
    function draw() {
      if (button) {
        background(84, 161, 224);
        image(awake, 0, 0, width, height);
        playing = true;
      } else {
        image(asleep, 0, 0, width, height);
        for (var i = 0; i < zzz.length; i++) {
    function mousePressed() { 
      var d = dist(mouseX, mouseY, x, y); 
      if (d < radius) {
        if (!playing) { 
          var rays = createSprite(x, 240);
          rays.addAnimation("normal", "images/ray_01.png", "images/ray_04.png");
        button = !button; 
    function Z(tempX, tempY, tempYspeed, tempSize, tempC) { 
      this.xpos = tempX;
      this.ypos = tempY;
      this.yspeed = tempYspeed;
      this.textsize = tempSize;
      this.c = tempC;
    Z.prototype.display = function() {
      text("Z", this.xpos, this.ypos)
    Z.prototype.move = function() {
      this.xpos = this.xpos + random(-1, 1);
      this.ypos = this.ypos - this.yspeed;
      if (this.ypos < 100) { //where z's finish
        this.ypos = 400; //reset
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