reading filesnames from a folder


i am trying to read file names from a folder to populate a dropdown list in cp5. however, i am receiving a null pointer exception in my loop. i am not sure what the problem is. i appreciate any time, or just an extra pair of eyes, you can lend...


File dir = new File("folderName");
File [] files = dir.listFiles();

// here, if i try to print the contents of the files list: println(dir) or println(files), i also receive errors

void setup()


void draw()
  for (int i = 0; i <= files.length - 1; i++)   

    String path = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
        println(path.toLowerCase() + ".properties.ser", i);


  • This seems to work for me (from the wiki:

    // we'll have a look in the data folder folder = new""));
    // list the files in the data folder
    String[] filenames = folder.list();
    // get and display the number of jpg files
    println(filenames.length + " jpg files in specified directory");
    // display the filenames
    for (int i = 0; i < filenames.length; i++) {
  • Processing isn't aware of its own save folder before setup() begins!
    You should initialize such classes only after setup() started!

  • edited December 2013 Answer ✓

    Good spot @GoToLoop. Here's a version that's closer to the original that seems to run OK:

    File dir; 
    File [] files;
    void setup() {
      dir= new File(dataPath(""));
      files= dir.listFiles();
    void draw() { 
      for (int i = 0; i <= files.length - 1; i++)
        String path = files[i].getAbsolutePath();
        if (path.toLowerCase().endsWith(".properties.ser"))
          println(path.toLowerCase() + ".properties.ser", i);
  • edited December 2013

    thanks all. i'll try these suggestions out.

    hi velvet, how do yo not get a null pointer exception at line 10? this code doesn't run for me although it seems it should.

    i also receive the same with your first suggestion... a null pointer exception at filenames = folder.list();

    File folder;
    String [] filenames;
    void setup()
    { folder = new" "));
    void draw()
      filenames = folder.list();
      println(filenames.length + ".properties.ser");
      for(int i = 0; i <= filenames.length; i++)


  • edited December 2013

    deleted the earlier message because i had a bout of idiodacy.

    however, using dir = new File(dataPath(" "));, how does one navigate to a level up to where the .pde is stored? i have tried File(../dataPath(" ")) and File(dataPath(../" ")) and other combinations to no avail.

    thanks in advance.

  • Hi, Using sketchPath() should get you there. folder = new""));

    Hope that helps.

  • Answer ✓

    There should be no space between double quotes in dataPath("")

    And if you need the sketch's path, use the sketchPath variable (or the sketchPath() method, with a file name).

  • thanks velvet and philo.

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