...and if it was you, as you did? (inverse kinematics)

edited July 2016 in How To...

hello guys,

can you give some tips on how to do this?

thanks guys!


  • post what you have

  • thanks! for now, just started with a moving 'quad' ... can be, right?

    like this:

    float x = 0;
    float y = 0;
    float speed = 1;
    void setup ()  {
      size (800,600);
    void draw()  {
      background (0);
      fill (255,255,255);
      // ellipse(x,y,50,50);
      x = x +1;
      y = y + speed;
      if ((y > height) || (y < 0))  {
        speed = speed * -1;
      quad (210, y, 277, y+32, 248, y+78, 190, y+33); 
      if (mouseButton == LEFT) {
        background (150,0,0); // preto
  • Well, it's obvious you need 10 shapes, positions and rotations for them all, so you can start there.

    You need a class for your shapes (containing what?) and an array of these classes.

  • I can do this.

    But you first

  • oh my god, I have to learn how to do this!

  • I am on a journey

    You can solve it!

  • Each shape has a certain form, a start pos (random) and a target pos

    it has also a way to go ("amt", see lerp)

    So when mousePressed set a boolean var goToTarget to true

    And look at lerp()

  • The two lines of specification don't say they need to move slowly into shape on mousePressed, just that they are randomly walking when it isn't...

  • i'ts something like that?

    PShape tronco;  // QUAD shape
    float txshape=0, tyshape=0, pxshape=0, pyshape=0;
    void setup() {
      size(800, 600);
      tronco = createShape(QUAD, 173,0, 211,0, 219,73, 164,73);
    void draw() {
      pxshape = lerp(pxshape, txshape, 1);
      pyshape = lerp(pyshape, tyshape, 1);
      shape(tronco, txshape, tyshape);
    void mousePressed() {
      txshape = 170;
      tyshape = 200;
  • edited July 2016

    do you know object oriented programming? make a class myShape.

    if not make an array of PShape and fill it with shapes

    parallel make 4 parallel arrays to store the wrong random x,y coord and the correct ones (and 2 more arrays to store a movement vector x,y)

    when mouse is pressed set a flag boolean usingRandomXY to false :

    usingRandomXY=!usingRandomXY; see an example below where you need to use class or more arrays

    in the example usingRandomXY is named isMoving (and it's the opposite)

    boolean isMoving=false; // see lerp()  -  isMoving==true means lerp() is on
  • no, i don't know. is difficult to explain me...?

    you don't have one exemple?

  • PShape[] tronco = new PShape[10];  // QUAD shape
    float   pxshape=0, pyshape=0, // initial position
      mxshape=random(-1, 1.21), myshape=random(-1, 1.072), // moving the shape (walking it)
      txshape=170, tyshape=200, // target position 
      cxshape=0, cyshape=0; // current position when using lerp() 
    boolean isMoving=false; // see lerp()  -  isMoving==true means lerp() is on
    float amt;  //see lerp()
    void setup() {
      size(800, 600);
      tronco[0] = createShape(QUAD, 173, 0, 211, 0, 219, 73, 164, 73);
    void draw() {
      cxshape = lerp(pxshape, txshape, amt);
      cyshape = lerp(pyshape, tyshape, amt);
      shape(tronco[0], cxshape, cyshape);
      if (isMoving) {
        if (amt>1.0) 
      } else {
        mxshape=keepInside(mxshape, pxshape, 3, width-133 );
        myshape=keepInside(myshape, pyshape, 3, height-133 );
      if (isMoving) {
        text("going to target", 20, 20);
      } else {
        text("drifting", 20, 20);
    void mousePressed() {
      isMoving=!isMoving; // toggle !!!!
      if (!isMoving) {
        // after lerp
        pxshape = txshape;
        pyshape = tyshape;
        mxshape=random(-1, 1.21); 
        myshape=random(-1, 1.072);
      //txshape = 170;
      //tyshape = 200;
    float keepInside(float moverAddOfThePosition, float currentPosition, float min, float max) {
      // makes a ball at position currentPosition wnd with movement moverAddOfThePosition 
      // bounce at boundaries min and max. Like with pong, ball bounces left and right.
      // Usage : call separate for x and for y:
      //      mxshape=keepInside(mxshape , pxshape, 33, width-33 );
      //      myshape=keepInside(myshape , pyshape, 33, height-33 );
      if (currentPosition<min) 
        return abs(moverAddOfThePosition); 
      if (currentPosition>max) 
        return -abs(moverAddOfThePosition);
      return moverAddOfThePosition;
  • nice, thanks!

    but why in the beginning, the shape come from above and background are gray?

    and can i ajust the rotation after de mousePressed?

  • edited July 2016

    but why in the beginning, the shape come from above and background are gray?

    It is just an example for the usage of lerp() - which you had totally wrong. Do the background and initial position as you like. Position could be random starting position.

    Since you have 10 shapes:

    You need to bring this into arrays as well:

    float   pxshape=0, pyshape=0, // initial position
      mxshape=random(-1, 1.21), myshape=random(-1, 1.072), // moving the shape (walking it)
      txshape=170, tyshape=200, // target position 
      cxshape=0, cyshape=0; // current position when using lerp() 

    and can i ajust the rotation after de mousePressed?

    yes, similar to the vars above for the position you can do the same with the angle.

  • Answer ✓

    also, it's best to place each shape initially (internally) above the origin (0,0) in this line:

    tronco[0] = createShape(QUAD, 173, 0, 211, 0, 219, 73, 164, 73);
    • this makes the rotation be centered around the center of the shape
  • ...or use a class / objects - see tutorials

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