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I want to have a rectangle appear in a random location within a canvas each time the mouse is clicked.
But with each new location I want the cursor to change as you move it from left to right (and back) of the rectangle. however i cant figure out how to do this?
Below is what I have so far:
void setup() {
size(1000, 600);
background(15, 85, 115);
void draw() {
float boxw = 100;
float boxh = 150;
float boxx = random(0, width-boxw);
float boxy = random(0, height-boxh);
background(15, 85, 115);
rect(boxx, boxy, boxw, boxh);
if (mouseX>(boxx+(boxw/2))) {
} else{
void mouseClicked() {
thanks for your help! :D
So you are trying to draw a randomly sized rectangle placed anywhere on the canvas. Could you elaborate on what you mean with the cursor moving? Are you trying to move the cursor using processing?
you have to check more with if
if(mouseX>boxx && mouseX< boxx+boxw&&
Chrisir, for now I'm only worried about the cursor changing as it passes the midpoint of the rectangle
Rbhog, the order of play should be like this:
user clicks mouse
processing draws rectangle in random location
user moves mouse
processing changes cursor shape depending on whether it is to the left or right of the new rectangle
Why noLoop and redraw?
Move lines 11&12 into mouseClicked (and make them global vars)
chrisir, if i make 11&12 global vars then the random selection happens only once, I want the above process to happen each time the mouse is clicked (sorry should have mentioned that)
I said move the random part into mouseClickef
oooh! haven't tried that yet, will get back to you!
Get rid of noloop
It works! Thanks Chrisir =)
working code below:
well done!