Periodic stuttering / hickups in otherwise fast sketches using PShapes

edited November 2013 in Using Processing

Hi, I'm not sure if this is local to PShapes (noticed when I was experimenting with them) and VBOs but here it goes:

On my machine (2009 macbook pro) when I launch the DynamicParticlesRetained demo, I get a really good framerate (around 60fps) but everything freezes for about half a second, about every second (these are variable and are estimates).

I have an onboard GPU and a separate discrete GPU (both NVidia), and the same thing happens in both of them. I did some research and foudn out that certain NVidia drivers are notorious for this behaviour. So I thought that was that.

Then I tried the same sketch in wife's computer which is a windows 7 machine with an (a lot more powerful) ATI chip; and saw the same stuttering behaviour. Smooth silk framerate with intermittent hickups... Am I the only one experiencing those?

Why does this happen and how can I fix it?


  • shure that this isn't caused by the garbage collector of java?

    try to increase the memory that is available for java with the following parameters for the java virtual machine: -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M

    if this reduces the stuttering then it is caused by the garbage collector.

  • Thank you. I already suspected that might have been the case so already tried to increase the memory, but it didn't have any effects. I also made sure that there were no memory allocations during the main loop (in my code anyways) so I suspect this is not a GC related issue.

    As I said, this also happens with the Demo files distributed with processing. Do the DynamicParticlesRetained demo work without glitches on your computer?

  • I increased the memory from Processing IDE preferences BTW, should I export and run the applet from the command line to test perhaps?

  • i tested the dynamicparticlesretained demo and i get a short stop about every second. it looks as if this could be gc related because it's so rhythmical. did you try running the sketch in gc verbose mode so you can see if there is some gc going on? to get into verbose mode you have to use these parameters: -verbose:gc

  • Sorry, where would I need to enter the parameter while working with the Processing IDE?

  • sorry. i have no clue. i am working with the eclipse ide and not with the processing ide. but i am sure that there is a way to send parameters to the java virtual machine. maybe ask how to do that in the how-to forum.

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