Getting ASCII decimal numbers from a char array: why doesn't it work?

edited November 2013 in Programming Questions

Hello everyone. This is my first super-noob post here, so if I need to add more detail, please let me know.

I have the attached code which reads a log file, identifies the first character of each line and deletes the line if it is not a number (ASCII number).

The line which reads ascii_dec = char_array[0]; is causing the debug error "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0". If I comment that line out it prints "50" which corresponds to ASCII character 2, as it is the first character of the last line in the log file. I get the same results if I change the byte data types to int.

Why doesn't it like the code in question and how should I change this to work correctly? I know, I suck at programming, so I'm sorry my implementation and technique may not be conventional. Thanks for the help -SK

String[] lines;

byte[] char_array;
byte ascii_dec;

void setup(){

  lines = loadStrings("log 11-23-2013 2-10pm.csv");

  for(int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++){

    //turn the line into individual char's
    char_array = lines[i].getBytes();
    //isolate the first char of the line
    ascii_dec = char_array[0];

    //test the first char to see if there is a number stored in the first entry of the line.
    //If not an ascii number, then delete the line from original array
    if(ascii_dec != 48 && ascii_dec != 49 && ascii_dec != 50 && ascii_dec != 51 && ascii_dec != 52 && ascii_dec != 53 && ascii_dec != 54 && ascii_dec != 55 && ascii_dec != 56 && ascii_dec != 57){
      lines[i] = "";


  //saveStrings("log2.csv", lines); //implement this later

  //this is to test and make sure there is something in that element of char_array[]

void draw(){}


  • edited November 2013

    I wouldn't recommend this line:

          lines[i] = "";

    because you change the value of lines.length, so for-loop can not work properly.

    I would instead recommend to copy the value into a new array

  • Thanks, I will copy each line that begins with a number into a new array to save. Any idea about the original problem?

  • this test works

    String[] lines = {
      "log 11-23-2013 2-10pm", 
      "12log 11-23-2013 2-10", 
      "6log 11-23-2013 2-10p", 
      "log 11-23-2013 2-10pm", 
      "12log 11-23-2013 2-10", 
      "6log 11-23-2013 2-10p"
    byte[] char_array;
    byte ascii_dec;
    String []lines2 = new String [0];
    void setup() {
      println ("length: "+lines.length);
      for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
        //turn the line into individual char's
        char_array = lines[i].getBytes();
        //isolate the first char of the line
        ascii_dec = char_array[0];
        //test the first char to see if there is a number stored in the first entry of the line.
        //If not an ascii number, then delete the line from original array
        if (ascii_dec < 48 || ascii_dec > 57) {
          // lines[i] = "";
          lines2 = append(lines2, lines[i]);
      //saveStrings("log2.csv", lines); //implement this later
      //this is to test and make sure there is something in that element of char_array[]
  • edited November 2013

    Nice, I like your approach. I think the problem lays in how I import the file to lines[]. I just tried your modification with the code: lines = loadStrings("log 11-23-2013 2-10pm.csv"); and got the old problem. Perhaps there is a line with nothing in the csv file and that would make char_array[0] not exist?

    If this is the case, how would I test for a line containing nothing, like: "" ?

    Also, I think the operators in the if statement are reversed.

  • Anybody have a way to deal with empty strings? This seems to be what's causing the original error, I just need a way to check for them and skip over them. Ideas?

    Thanks, Chrisir, for your help to figure this out so far.

  • Maybe I'll check the length of the char_array

  • String foo1 = "f";
    String foo2 = "";


  • one thing

    if (ascii_dec < 48 || ascii_dec > 57) {

    requires you to know what 48 and 57 are. it's not obvious. whereas

    if (ascii_dec < '0' || ascii_dec > '9') {

    helps make it clear that they are digits.

    but perhaps even better is Character.isDigit()

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