Something wrong with the IF statement.

float hue = random(360);
float saturation = random(30, 50); // color's code from openprocessing's user Reona~
float Hue = random(360);
float Saturation = random(50, 100);
float[] xPos = new float[20];
float[] yPos = new float[20];// ellipse

float[] xxPos = new float[5];
float[] yyPos = new float[5];// rect

int A;
int i;
int B;
int C;
int D;
int E;
int F;

void setup() {
  size(1000, 610); 
  colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100);
  A = 20;
  B = 570;
  C = 530;
  D = 690;
  E = 650;
  F = 610;

  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
    xPos[i] = random(1000);
    yPos[i] = random(1000);// ellipse

  for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) {
    xxPos[z] = random(1000);
    yyPos[z] = random(1000);// rect

void draw() {
  stroke(260, 80, 100, 120);
  vertex(mouseX-40, 450);
  vertex(mouseX-40, 500);
  vertex(mouseX-80, 500);
  vertex(mouseX-80, 600);
  vertex(mouseX+80, 600);
  vertex(mouseX+80, 500);
  vertex(mouseX+40, 500);
  vertex(mouseX+40, 450);
  endShape();// beaker

  fill(186, 25, 98);
  rect(mouseX, 580, 80, A);//WATER

  for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { 
    fill(hue, saturation, 100, 120);
    ellipse(xPos[i], yPos[i], 15, 15);

    if (yPos[i] > height) {
      yPos[i] = random(-1000, -500);
    if (mouseX > 920) {
      mouseX = 920;
    if (mouseX < 80) {
      mouseX = 80;
  }// rock

  fill(Hue, Saturation, 100, 120);
  for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) {
    rect(xxPos[z], yyPos[z], 20, 20);
    if (yyPos[z] > height) {
      yyPos[z] = random(-1000, -500);
  } // rect

  if (mouseX-40 < xPos[i] && mouseX+40 > xPos[i] && yPos[i] > 450 )
    xPos[i] = -999999;
    yPos[i] = -999999;
    A += 5;

  if (xxPos[i] > mouseX-40 && xxPos[i] < mouseX+40 && yyPos[i] > 450 ) {
    xxPos[i] = -999999;
    yyPos[i] = -999999;

In the last two IF statements, I'm trying to increase the value of "A" (the height of the blue rectangle) once the object which controlled by the mouse hit the falling ellipse. But it does not work somehow.

Also could anyone tell me a way to make the "A" value only add one time as the object meets with the ellipse instead of keeping adding 60 times a second?

Thanks a lot!



  • Answer ✓

    first all the condition of xPos and xxPos never change so there was no way for A to increase I wrapped both IF statements in for loops and it works

     for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) { 
      if (mouseX-40 < xPos[i] && mouseX+40 > xPos[i] && yPos[i] > 450 )
        xPos[i] = -999999;
        yPos[i] = -999999;
        A += 5;
      for (int z = 0; z < 5; z++) {
        if (xxPos[i] > mouseX-40 && xxPos[i] < mouseX+40 && yyPos[i] > 450 ) {
          xxPos[i] = -999999;
          yyPos[i] = -999999;
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