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Hello, I'd like to present you an utility library: FreeTransform. In short, is works like Photoshop freetransform tool for PImage and PGraphics. It lets you drag, scale, rotate, warp, skew, mirror your textures interactively. All transformations are automatically saved and loaded after restarting the sketch.
Here's video preview how it works: https://vid.me/5Psa
You can download it from here: https://github.com/barelief/freeTransform-processing or you can add it from PDE Contribution Manager.
This library is useful for interactively positioning objects in processing, projection mapping and others things.
Please test it and give feedback.
If someone with osx could test if it works on mac would be first issue to solve: https://github.com/barelief/freeTransform-processing/issues/22
I'm testing processing for projection mapping and I found this library amazing!
It is possible to add circles or other type of polygons? It is possible to also create a mask to cut the shape?
yes there is circle in the example: https://github.com/barelief/freeTransform-processing/blob/master/examples/Hello/Hello.pde
...for masking use transparent png as a texture
good luck!