Adding 0.1 with double and float is not accurate

Hi. I wanted a "for" loop from 0 to 1 incrementing by 0.1. Sample code is shown below but the maths is so inaccurate it doesn't reach 1.0. This appears to be a fundamental defect. I can repeat this in Processing-3.02, Processing-2.2.1 and with different Java versions. I get the same result on my Windows laptop and on my iMac.

There is also some inaccuracy when I repeat this test in pure Java (1.7.0_79) using Eclipse (Mars) but it is not quite as inaccurate.

In either case I would expect to add 0.1 with better accuracy.

Processing code:

import processing.opengl.*;

void setup() {

  size( 480, 360);
  print("double ");
  for (double d=0; d<=1.0 ; d+=0.1) {
    print(" ",d);
  print("float ");
  for (float f=0; f<=1.0 ; f+=0.1) {
    print(" ",f);
  print("i/10.0 ");
  for (int i=0; i<=10 ; i++) {
    double d2 = i/10.0;
    print(" ", d2);
  print("i/(float)10.0 ");
  for (int i=0; i<=10 ; i++) {
    float f2 = i/(float)10.0;
    print(" ", f2);


Processing Results:

double   0.0  0.10000000149011612  0.20000000298023224  0.30000000447034836  0.4000000059604645  0.5000000074505806  0.6000000089406967  0.7000000104308128  0.800000011920929  0.9000000134110451
float   0.0  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.70000005  0.8000001  0.9000001
i/10.0   0.0  0.10000000149011612  0.20000000298023224  0.30000001192092896  0.4000000059604645  0.5  0.6000000238418579  0.699999988079071  0.800000011920929  0.8999999761581421  1.0
i/(float)10.0   0.0  0.1  0.2  0.3  0.4  0.5  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.9  1.0

Java Code:

public class LoopTest {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
          System.out.print("double ");
          for (double d=0; d<=1.0 ; d+=0.1) {
              System.out.print(" "+d);
          System.out.print("float ");
              for (float f=0; f<=1.0 ; f+=0.1) {
                  System.out.print(" "+f);

              System.out.print("i/10.0 ");
              for (int i=0; i<=10 ; i++) {
                double d2 = i/10.0;
                System.out.print(" "+d2);

              System.out.print("i/(float)10.0 ");
              for (int i=0; i<=10 ; i++) {
                float f2 = i/ (float)10.0;
                System.out.print(" "+f2);



Java Results;

double  0.0 0.1 0.2 0.30000000000000004 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7999999999999999 0.8999999999999999 0.9999999999999999
float  0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.70000005 0.8000001 0.9000001
i/10.0  0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
i/(float)10.0  0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Any thoughts as to why such a simple calculation is so inaccurate?



  • edited May 2016 Answer ✓

    println("double: ");
    for (double d = 0d; d <= 1d; d += .1d)  print(d, TAB);
    println("\n\nfloat: ");
    for (float f = 0.0; f <= 1.0; f += .1)  print(f, TAB);
    println("\n\ni/10d: ");
    for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) {
      double d = i/10d;
      print(d, TAB);
    println("\n\ni/10f: ");
    for (int i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) {
      float f = i/10.0;
      print(f, TAB);

    0.0     0.1     0.2     0.30000000000000004     0.4     0.5     0.6     0.7     
    0.7999999999999999  0.8999999999999999  0.9999999999999999
    0.0     0.1     0.2     0.3     0.4     0.5     0.6     0.70000005  
    0.8000001   0.9000001
    0.0     0.1     0.2     0.3     0.4     0.5     0.6     0.7     0.8     0.9     1.0
    0.0     0.1     0.2     0.3     0.4     0.5     0.6     0.7     0.8     0.9     1.0

  • Any thoughts as to why such a simple calculation is so inaccurate?

    The accuracy is better than 0.0001% which is very, very good.

    Java like many languages uses 4 bytes to store a float that 32 bits which gives just 4,294,967,296 different combinations to store an infinite number of floating point so some innacuracy is to be expected.

  • edited May 2016 Answer ✓

    The float n.000000000r occurs because of rounding errors in the the mantissa IIRC. A floating point number is written by the machine as a scientific number like 123*10^7. Rounding errors make those weird artifacts with floats.

    To not have errors, use BigDecimal.

        /*  EXAMPLE: Using BigDecimals.
        // BigDecimal is used for accurate arithmetic of any real number.
        // BigDecimal is intended to work with databases and very long numbers.
        // It can calculate a floating point number with desired precision, without errors.
        // If your project requires exact numbers and is not real-time oriented, then BigDecimal is appropriate.
        import java.math.BigDecimal; 
        void setup() { 
          float a = 2; 
          float b = 32;
          // Demonstration of wrapper functions. 
          float multiply = m(a, b);  // x = 2 * 32.
          float division = d(a, b);  // x = 2 / 32.
          float addition = a(a, b);  // x = 2 + 32.
          float subtract = s(a, b);  // x = 2 - 32.
          // Some weird number showing improper function use.
          float improper = m(s(d(a,b),a(m(b,a),a)),s(b,a)); 
          // Equally confusing, but still the same number as above.
          float why = ((a/b)-((a*b)+a))*(b-a);
          // Accuratly calculate the inverse of this massive number to the 54th decimal place.
          String x = "189327469745023743269873248976983274538.745895634294783274486662066354334679694";
                 x = div("1.0", x, 54); 
          // Floating Point Rounding Error Demonstration. 
          double i = 189327469745023743269873248976983274538.745895634294783274486662066354334679694;
                 i = 1.0 / i; // Should be same operation as above, but instead finds a slightly different number faster.
          println(x);        // 5.281853|718040743E-39     Note that x != i.
          println(i);        // 5.281853|688555732E-39     Pipe inserted to highlight accuracy.
        // Multiply Wrapper Function so we don't get carpal tunnel syndrome writing these for every operation.
        float m(float a, float b) {
          BigDecimal BigDec = new BigDecimal(str(a));  // Always convert value to string when calling BigDecimal.
                     BigDec = BigDec.multiply(new BigDecimal(str(b))); 
          return BigDec.floatValue();
        // Standard Divide. Floats round their numbers after 6 places so 8 decimal places is enough for most conditions.
        float d(float a, float b) {
          BigDecimal BigDec = new BigDecimal(str(a)); // numerator.divide(denominator, nthDecimalPlace, roundingStyle);
                     BigDec = BigDec.divide(new BigDecimal(str(b)), 8, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
          return BigDec.floatValue();
        // String Divide
        String div(String a, String b, int decimalPlace) {
          BigDecimal BigDec = new BigDecimal(a); // numerator.divide(denominator, nthDecimalPlace, roundingStyle);
                     BigDec = BigDec.divide(new BigDecimal(b), decimalPlace, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
          return BigDec.toString();
        // Addition
        float a(float a, float b) {
          BigDecimal BigDec = new BigDecimal(str(a));
                     BigDec = BigDec.add(new BigDecimal(str(b)));
          return BigDec.floatValue();
        // Subtraction
        float s(float a, float b) {
          BigDecimal BigDec = new BigDecimal(str(a));
                     BigDec = BigDec.subtract(new BigDecimal(str(b)));
          return BigDec.floatValue();
  • edited May 2016 Answer ✓

    Using BD for loops:

          for(float f=0.0; f<1.0; f=a(f, 0.1)) println(f);
  • Thanks to you all for your answers.

    I see that there is a general problem representing decimals, and I can see there is lots of information out there on this topic.

    If I use d += 0.1d the Processing result is then the same as Java.

    I will use BigDecimal in future where I need accuracy.

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