We are about to switch to a new forum software. Until then we have removed the registration on this forum.
I have been on this forum for just over 7 years now and in that time I have answered many questions (not always successfully :\"> ) but on many occasions I felt that while the answers helped the original poster a more in-depth analysis of the problem and solution would benefit many others.
So I have decided to start my own blog to do just that. I have just published my first post entitled "frameRate, frameCount and miilis" that I hope you will find interesting and informative. There will be more to follow as and when I find time.
Click to visit Quark's musings
That painting is beautiful. Metallurgy is super cool. I'm a welder that used to work on 747 engines among several others using an Electron Beam Machine. Good ol' JT8D :)
I really support this blog idea. Almost like a reference for the reference! haha
That framerate() v frameRate video explains a problem I was having a while back. trying to get something synced. Never thought to look at that. Thanks!
I think comparing millis() and System.nanoTime() might be useful as well.
I did several years in non-destructive testing and x-rayed, gamma-rayed and ultrasonically tested miles of welding in my time.
Yes there are issues with using nanoTime that could be usefully discussed.
BTW I am no artist I didn't create the painting :)
That's so cool!! B-) Did you use isotopic or electronic for the gamma ray test? Heh, I put my doseometer on the EB control panel for only two days one time and it came back with 200x levels. Turns out there was only 1/r^2 "shielding" with a few mils of Pb...didn't work there much longer after that. Went to college for physics instead.
Used Iridium 192 sealed isotope - great fun!
Holy crap, that's a strong ray! I was exposed to <100kev range. Beyond that, the base metal would turn to vacuum filled foam. :D You should have seen the 1 inch tungsten block we used for calibration. heheheh
That's great! A lot of recurring issues on here don't have a tutorial yet, that's one less now... (I think I even saw this topic mentioned on the TODO list on P5's Github).
You have my condoleances.
@colouredmirrorball glad you approve. BTW lay off the physics, along with chemistry and maths it was one of my favourite subjects at school O:-)
I am planning posts on 2D geometry with particular emphasis on techniques used in programming 2D games but I am happy to take suggestions.
My grandfather was the blind physicist for the ENIAC. :) He could visualize everything going on. He also worked at Camp Century doing radar equations during the cold war. It's said he could find the answer to most Maxwell Equations before his colleagues finished writing things down. I have a love for reality like he did. Your empathy is appreciated, The USA's education system sucks.
I joke, I have a BSc in physics but it was much harder to achieve than I anticipated! So anyone attempting the same feat can count on my sympathy. I switched masters though, now doing nanotechnology engineering instead of continuing physics. Meanwhile I discovered Processing and programming but I decided if I pursued a career in programming, it would take the fun out of it right away! (Not entirely unlike it did with physics...)
Cool to learn about your grandfather... I have enough trouble with the Maxwell equations even when using stacks and stacks of paper!
That's awesome! I had trouble financially. Man, I feel bad about going so off topic.
Hey, What are some of the things you guys see over-posted?
I am seeing a bunch of people with organizational problems.
Personally I think going over the referencing function of assign and how to know when it's using what feature. That's not covered on the page for assign and really easy to get gnarly problems if you're unaware of it.
Or what about the public, private, static, super, this relationships? Those aren't covered very well either.
Of course these are all part of object orientation, a paradigm Processing worked hard at hiding from the user. This is fine for the most basic sketches and helps people get started with programming.
As the programmer progresses onto larger projects the level of code-complexity increases exponentially. In many cases OOP can significantly reduce complexity and bring many other benefits.
The problem is that beginners learn the syntax to create classes and objects but don't realise there is a lot more to OOP than the syntax. A principle of OOP is that a class should autonomous, in other words it should be responsible for updating its own attributes/fields. I often see poorly designed, non-autonomous classes which doesn't significantly reduce the level of complexity.
Processing does have a tutorial on classes and objects perhaps I should read it :D
This is advanced as the videos get. Just the difference between copy and reference.
The P3 reference has poor coverage as well.
Name: super
Description: Keyword used to reference the superclass of a subclass.
ooooh now I get it??? huh? lol
Interesting I have never watched this video before, shame about the errors.
1) I have never heard of pass by copy the correct term is pass by value. It could have been a slip of the tongue, or some terminology invented for Processing, so might forgive that one.
2) In the video the speaker says that objects are passed by reference. WRONG in Java ALL function parameters are passed by value NEVER by reference. It is more accurate to say that Java passes object-references by value. This might seem like splitting hairs and a newbie is unlikely to notice the difference but when looking at sorting and copying objects the difference is important.
In C++ the programmer can specify whether a parameter is passed by value or by reference, but not in Java, everything is passed by value.
@AverageJoe, I'm afraid Shiffman's explanation about passing arguments to functions is very flawed! :-&
His 1st example
void change(int val) {}
is OK. Nailed it 100%!However its reference counterpart doesn't exactly match the former and it's very misleading! :-\"
B/c in the former, the assignment operator is used directly over the local parameter:
val = val * 2;
However, in the latter example, the assignment acts upon some object's field which the parameter points to:
aP.x = 300;
Here's a fairer example of an attempting of reassign passed variables inside a function: O:-)
@quark, I guess he's meant pass a copy of a value. Which is actually what really happens:
All function's parameters are assigned the copy of the values passed to it.
In short, no matter the datatype, everything stored in a variable is a value.
And Java always pass the copy of that value to a function's parameter. :-B
In other cases, the result of an expression as a primitive value. :P
This sketch proves that Java does not use pass by reference for objects.
If Java used pass by reference the the output would be
but the actual output is
showing the value stored in the object reference
has not been changed.It is important for programmers to understand the difference between object references and objects
In Java they contain non-
fields and some other extra header data.For example, the memory address of the class which it was used to instantiate it.
In computer programming "pass by value" and "pass by reference" are clearly defined as to their meaning and that meaning is fixed irrespective of the programming language being discussed. So when I mentioned the pass by copy it was a bit tongue in cheek since it was clear from the context what he meant.
What you say is correct but I didn't make it clear what I meant by this. I meant that programmers should be aware that the statement,
Foo foo;
declares an object reference of type Foo and NOT an object of type Foo.Understanding this is important when
* using collections (especially when the same object reference is being stored in more than one collection)
* sorting objects (actually involves rearranging object references
* copying / cloning objects
It is extremely common among all Java programmers to talk about objects when they really mean object references and this is often misleading for OO novices.
also see
PVector vec = new PVector(50, 50);
, there's no way that a whole PVector object would fit into vec, which is generally only 4 bytes (32 bits).static
fields. :-BI think you mean primitives & objects. After all in the statement
PVector vec = new PVector(50, 50);
is a variable of type PVector referenceHmm... That wasn't my focus there. 8-|
I just wanted to call the attention that vec is simply a variable.
And variables have a very limited fixed # of bytes in order to store its value.
Datatypes, no matter whether they're
or a reference, they're simply values.For the sake of this example, let's say that
new PVector()
allocates a contiguous block of memory starting @ memory address 100 000.Therefore
PVector vec = new PVector();
assigns value 100 000 to variable vec.When we do
PVector panda = vec;
, it means both panda & vec variables hold the same value 100 000.Which btW points to the very same PVector object allocated by
new PVector()
at the beginning.The same rule applies for any container:
Given that
vec = panda = oranges[5]
, what isnew PVector()
exactly?A vector, a panda or 1 of the those 10 oranges??? 8-}
The answer is neither. Objects don't have names; variables do!!! :O)
And objects are too big to fit into variables after all.
Variables can only hold 1 limited value and that's it. :-h
Now what happens when we pass any variable (or expression) as an argument to invoke some function?
Let's say vec holds value 200 000 this time.
1st at
, the value 200 000 stored in variable vec is read.Then a copy of that value is sent to function doubleVal().
Once arrived, doubleVal()'s local parameter vals is assigned that value 200 000.
, the value 200 000 is read from vals and then the deference operator dot.
reaches the object at memory 200 000: https://Processing.org/reference/dot.htmlObjects don't store methods nor
fields. Therefore the object redirects itself, sending along itsthis
, to the original PVector class, where its method copy() actually resides.Method copy() instantiates another PVector w/ the same values for fields x, y & z.
Let's just say this
object is created at memory address is 250 000.For the 2nd method in sequence we now got:
250 000.mult(2);
Finally mult() returns value 250 000, and it's thus reassigned to local parameter vals.
Given that vals is a local parameter variable of method doubleVal(), the original variable vec continues to hold the value 200 000 as before, unaffected by the reassigned of vals.
Whew! I've got carried away. #:-S That's all folks! :-bd
So I think we can all agree that I will eventually do a post on "Object References and Objects". :)
Agreed a lot! But please include some section which explains the differences between a variable and an object or any type of value. L-)
Two new examples to add to my example collection! These are some good ones too. Well, I guess this explains where I went wrong with another project from last year using XML.
That PortalsForDeveloping is an interesting idea, Chrisir.
It led me to static void games which has an interesting topic of discussion:
Thank you
I think everybody can contribute there
@AverageJoe, what value do you think it's actually stored in any variable after all?
If an object is allocated @ memory address 100 000, if we assign it to some variable, that's exactly the value that variable's gonna hold, spread by 4 or 8 bytes! :>
Yeah it's really interesting how the assign operator works in Java. Also kinda surprising how there is so much confusion about it. I think a blog topic comprehensively covering when something is copied or referenced would be useful.
Another point of contention are the equality
& inequality!=
operators.Most folks, after being beaten up by them a couple of times, already know that we shouldn't use
in order to compare String objects, but their equals() method instead. b-(That's exactly the classic case of human expectation being trampled by machine oriented design that most "classic" programming languages like C & Java favor over the former. /:)
Human mind thinks about the
content of the String.While Java thinks about the 1st logical memory address of the contiguous allocated block of memory which encapsulates the non-
fields of the String object.When we use
in Java, we're actually comparing the true values held by 2 variables.But we tend to think we're comparing the content of the objects in which those values refer to.
What fewer folks know about is that Java collects all String literals and pre-allocate them.
In the end, "equal" literals end up sharing the same memory address of those pre-allocated String objects, even when stored in different variables.
So an array is an object and that's why
System.copyarray(fromArray, fromStartPoint, toArray, toStartPoint);
is used to copy a simple array?Any datatype apart the 8 primitive 1s is an object/reference type:
arraycopy() replaces the content of the 2nd array w/ the content of the 1st:
It can even copy some portion of 1 array to another position within the same array too. ;;)
Why is array1 = array2 a reference, while int1 = int2 a copy?.
Why don't references have special commands in Java?
@AverageJoe, as I've said before, variables hold 1 value only in a given time.
In Java, that value can be split as 1 of these 3 big groups:
.Regardless which group some variable belongs to, when we pass it as an argument to some function, the actual value (no matter which datatype) held by that variable is read; then it is sent to the corresponding parameter of that function. That's called pass-by-value. :-B
The object reference variable may or may not be an actual memory address it depends on the JVM implementation. The point is that the object reference is an abstraction that hides the representation / implementation details from us. Also the memory address used to store an object can be changed by the JVM without warning, especially by the garbage collector.
In a pure OO language there would be no primitive data types and all variables would be objects removing the primitive/object dichotomy.
In any Virtual Machine, hardly some reference would be the actual computer's physical memory address. That's why I've mentioned it sometimes as "Logical" memory address in this forum thread. :-B
Regardless, it's still some value which represents a memory address codified as 4 bytes (32 bits). Or other times, when the Java app is too big, as 8 bytes (64 bits).
And that's the value which is passed on when invoking any function w/ parameters.
It's Java's famous everything pass-by-value. :\">
As I'm trying to tell every1 here since the beginning, it doesn't matter whether any variable is holding some fixed-point, IEEE 754 floating-point, or even a reference value: It's merely a value. :-j
Perhaps the actual physical memory address happens to be moved around some times.
However, the logical memory address value must be kept rigorously the same while the object lives.
Otherwise, the value held by reference variables would suddenly stop working! >:)
Perhaps it would be clearer if I said
Python is such a language. But it pays a big price for not having primitive types as Java or C. b-(
However, there are some other big programming languages which can transparently turn any wrapper object holding a numerical value into its corresponding primitive type! :-bd
Logically we don't control when/whether such internal conversion takes place. It's up to the VM. 8-|
As an example I'd cite C#, which is a super-set copycat of Java.
I dunno much about it, but I've heard that everything is an object there.
And its .net VM is smart enough to optimize number objects as primitive 1s when it's possible.
I believe that our own browser's modern JavaScript VMs can do the same for its datatype Number.
Hardly any1 invokes methods or access other properties upon numerical variables.
Therefore JS can turn them into actual primitives internally! Even fixed-point values!!! \m/
For how values are represented in memory for programming languages w/o raw primitive type storage, that is everything is stored as memory addresses; plus optimizations like temporarily keeping the raw value in CPU registers, take a look at these 2 links below: O:-)
Thanks for sharing the links, very interesting :)
C# and the other .NET languages share a Common Type Specification (CTS) and a Common Language Runtime (CLR) which compiles the source code to IL (Intermediate Language). When the program is executed the CLR uses a JIT compiler to convert the IL into into native machine code. Very different approach to the JVM.
When designing C# and the .NET framework Microsoft looked at all the common programming languages identifying the strong aspects to include and the weak aspects to avoid, so it is not a copy of Java or any single language in particular.
In fact MS created the J# language as a bridge for Java developers wanting to move over to .NET. J# was able to use existing Java byte code.
Java's ".class" files are bytecode. Which "coincidentally" is an intermediate language too. Surprised? ;))
JiT = Just-in-Time compilation. Even JavaScript got 1, even more Java! :>
What technique do you think Java's VM does to optimize "hot" sections of bytecode after all?
I really fail to grasp why you'd think so! Practically C# got all Java's syntaxes & features.
Only the opposite is false to some unique C# features not present in Java. :-@
In my understanding, that's the very definition of a super-set language! ~O)