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I am working on a fun project of mine, which is creating a virtual keyboard using Kinect1 and Processing 3, and it works with reading the users steps or touches when they touch or step on the area where the keyboard is projected on. For example, let's say we have a keyboard shape on a wall or a floor and when you press "a" the letter "a" will be written on the canvas, and there will be a sound for the response. So, my questions are how do I make the Kinect recognize that spot of the letter, and how to make the Kinect press that key ( a ) when it reaches that spot? Does anyone have any guidance, recommendation, or any pieces of advice?
I believe in Greg Borenstein's Making Things See book there is a chapter about how to make an "Air Drum" with the kinect. His examples are all on github (but using perhaps an outdated library). That should help a bit!
Thank you, Daniel, I really do appreciate it. The air_drum project is pretty close to my project, but it is using processing 2. Thus, the library that processing 2 has is not compatible with processing 3. And the software part of my project is in processing 3. So, how would you recommend me overcome that issue.
hey @dastan - you make any progress with this? i'm looking for a good starting point with the same setup as you.