Log in and retrieve info?

I would like to log in to a website and retrieve som information. I understand that html is sort of like xml, so I know how to locate the code that gets translated into the username and password fields. What I don't understand is how to communicate with the server...

I have tried to follow this tutorial, but it's so long and confusing and I'm not even sure it's what I'm looking for at all...

Can anyone point me in a direction? retrieving


  • edited March 2016

    I have done some homework. I have:

    Read this tutorial, on how one can request information from a website. But it was quite vague.

    Read this and this tutorial in order to understand HTTP methods/commands.

    What I've learned: When trying to communicate with a server you have a handful of HTTP commands that you can use. the most common is GET. You write to the server that you want to GET a certain web-page and then the server responds with a html code. For example "GET/HTTP/1.0\n" mean GET the default file in the root web directory (/) using HTTP version 1.0.

    The processing NET library has some classes that one can try and use to connect to a website, but it is really really difficult and mind boggling and the library is nearly impossible to use or even understand for a newbie..

    I am lost. I know how to ask for the default file, but what do I do when google says it has moved to some other address? How do I say "move over to that other address that changes every single time I run the freaking code!?"

    I really want to make this happen, so I'm not going to give up, but if anyone has any idea where I might search for knowledge I would greatly appreciate help and advice. Also, if I manage to figure it out, I'll try to share the results so others can have an easier path to making their friggin dreams come true.

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