var recorder = new p5.SoundRecorder();
var audioClip = new p5.SoundFile();
var audioArray = new p5.AudioIn();
var buildAudio = function(waveform, spectrum)
would something like this work? if so how to get the waveform[] and spectrum[] into audioArray the right way?
ok working with Web Audio API
if there are any sound data experts here, i need some help understanding things.
to explain in short:
i have a neural net that generates images from the wavefrom and spectrum of my sound. so input is waveform[n] and spectrum[n] and output is r, g and b which i set to an image.
now i'd like to try the reverse. i know i can use the neuralnet in reverse if i save the weights to get the sound back from the image and i get 2 arrays of floats back
from the neural net. that's not the problem.
but how do i correctly convert this back to the right sound data?
this is what i try now, but it sound very choppy. so i feel i convert the wavefrom and spectrum data back the wrong way. i got these with the fft.analyze() and fft.waveform() so i feel i should somehow do the reverse of what these functions did.
two more things are i wrote the image's with the fft's default 1024 bins so should i also feed the audio data array with a window or just give it the whole data at once? very confusing so and help or insight is greatly appreciated.
var nn;
var img;
var fft;
var layers = [];
var input;
var inputs = [];
var audioClip;
var audioArray;
var recorder;
var bias = 1;
var audioCtx = new (window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext)();
var channels = 1;
var frames = audioCtx.sampleRate;
var myArrayBuffer;// = audioCtx.createBuffer(channels, frames, audioCtx.sampleRate);
var r,g,b,amp,freq;
var waveform = [];
var spectrum = [];
var i=0;
var pixelArray = [];
var pixel = [];
function preload()
img = loadImage("Images/Test8.png");
function setup()
input = new NN.layer(4);
var hidden = new NN.layer(5);
var output = new NN.layer(2);
nn = new NN.neuralNet(layers);
pixelArray = get();
myArrayBuffer = audioCtx.createBuffer(channels, pixels.length, audioCtx.sampleRate);
waveform = myArrayBuffer.getChannelData(0);
for(var i=0; i<pixels.length; i+=4)
r = map(pixels[i], 0, 255, -4, 4);
g = map(pixels[i+1], 0, 255, -4, 4);
b = map(pixels[i+2], 0, 255, -4, 4);
inputs = [bias, r, g, b];
amp = nn.outputLayer.perceptrons[0].outpt;
freq = nn.outputLayer.perceptrons[1].outpt;
//print("r: "+r+"/"+"g: "+g+"b: "+b+"f: "+freq+"/"+"a: "+amp);
waveform[i] = freq*amp;
spectrum[i] = freq;
var source = audioCtx.createBufferSource();
// set the buffer in the AudioBufferSourceNode
source.buffer = myArrayBuffer;
// connect the AudioBufferSourceNode to the
// destination so we can hear the sound
// start the source playing
would something like this work? if so how to get the waveform[] and spectrum[] into audioArray the right way?
ok working with Web Audio API if there are any sound data experts here, i need some help understanding things. to explain in short: i have a neural net that generates images from the wavefrom and spectrum of my sound. so input is waveform[n] and spectrum[n] and output is r, g and b which i set to an image. result:![](
now i'd like to try the reverse. i know i can use the neuralnet in reverse if i save the weights to get the sound back from the image and i get 2 arrays of floats back from the neural net. that's not the problem. but how do i correctly convert this back to the right sound data? script:
this is what i try now, but it sound very choppy. so i feel i convert the wavefrom and spectrum data back the wrong way. i got these with the fft.analyze() and fft.waveform() so i feel i should somehow do the reverse of what these functions did. two more things are i wrote the image's with the fft's default 1024 bins so should i also feed the audio data array with a window or just give it the whole data at once? very confusing so and help or insight is greatly appreciated.