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Hello everybody! I am trying to code some lines to control a HDD: very low level orders like "spin" or "move the voice coil left". I would like to do it with a external HDD connected to a USB port or using the IDE channel. Is there any way to do something like this using Processing? Thanks for your help! Diego
No, you would need to go to a much lower level than Processing (or Java, C++ or C) will allow you. Languages are designed so that you don't have to manage this yourself!
Oh, I see. Any ideas on how can I go that low? Just what kind of language I would have to use. Best, Diego
I don't know, to be honest. I imagine you'd be looking at the firmware of the drive itself.. There's an entire software stack dedicated to abstracting that kind of thing away so my guess is that it would be a non-trivial endeavour.
Yes, it seems the same to me. Dealing with drivers is not that bad, at least is doable, but I was trying to find something more abstract-higher level. I guess this thread should be considered answered unless somebody wants to add something.
It should be doable with IDE drives if you used Arduino to generate ATA commands to the drive, quite a project but might be possible because of ATA legacy (it was made for much slower computers and the signals are parallel). for SATA drives its better to just forget it.
People making music on hard drives take all the electronics out and just drive its step motors (treat the coil as a servo).