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I Have a Svg File With 2 Layers. I want to change each layer to different colours. I don'T know what is the best way. Load it as two files and merge it in the code of just load one file with two layers. In total I have 7 icons each icon as a top colour and a background colour. All icon will have the same top and background colour but will change each frame.
Let me know what is the best way . And if it to load one file with two layers, can you let me know the way? thanks
I will like to change the pink(front Layer)for another colour and the white(back layer) for another colour grey is transparency. It stays as SVG format . I use processing.pdf library it to eventually print.
I have tried this
But the first colour change does not apply, only one can work at the time. I have tried without the pop style but both shape takes fill (colOutL[2]);
i was able to fix it with getchild https://processing.org/examples/getchild.html