Running exported on Raspberry pi?

edited March 2016 in Raspberry PI

I feel it should be possible to export to linux and just copy the exported files over to my raspberry pi (running Raspbian Jessie) from my computer (windows 10, Processing 3.0.2) and run the jar file. I haven't been able to find a tutorial or anything that tells me anything about it. When I use "java -jar sketch_160227a.jar" from inside the folder the jar is in, it tells my "Error: Could not fin or load main class sketch_160227.jar". Is there another step I have to take or am I using the wrong jar or am I just wrong in assuming there is a way to do it? I have tried the jar in all three of the exported folders.


  • Answer ✓

    Exporting, at least from Linux, gives you a raspberry PI version, it's the one with the longest name (I can't remember exactly). Just copy that folder over and run the shell script within it.

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