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hi, i am on debian testing with Xfce..Here`s the problem:
with gnome-network-manager: i start processing from linux terminal (./processing), starts fast and when i press Run (Ctrl+R) it prints
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 8572
everything works as expected.
i switch to wicd network manager (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicd): same process from linux terminal, processing starts after ~2 minutes and when i press Run nothing happens and nothing gets printed on the terminal (no listening socket message )
so the question is, in what way is processing connected to the network-manager? what might the problem that prevents it from starting (in reasonable time) and from running?
i disabled the option of checking for updates on start up but not luck, everything is the same. what i dont understand is why the network manager might prevent processing from running (i am not that familiar with networking,sockets etc) but i am very curious if someone could explain that a bit.
Apparently, Processing's IDE communicates w/ the compiled Java executable thru' the network!!! @-)
Essentially to bark orders to the running program. For example, abort it by clicking at the IDE's "Stop" button! ;)
hi so what tweaks should someone do to the network-manager (or in processing ) in order to allow it to run?? of course the problem is only in pde, eclipse projects run just fine..
the problem is that nothing gets printed on the linux terminal (no errors or anything), this would a bit helpful. I do not even know where to start :/
(i would never have imagined that processing would start because of the network manager)
I'm a typical intermediate Windows/Linux user.
I believe you gotta open the port(s) used by Processing.
Dunno why wicd would be stricter than Gnome Network Manager?
You can also export your code w/ CTRL+E and run the bash script inside "/application.linux64"
its not, that is why it is strange.Other than setting a static local ip, i dont change anything else...
anyway, the problem seems to be something with remote java debugging ports when running processing and observing the processes from htop utility.. i even setup a similar debian system with wicd and processing in virtualbox to see what is going on and everything worked fine....
i do not know what is going on with my system, i switched to gnome network manager...
thanks for following