Global mode and instance mode


var sketch = function( p ) {

  var x = 100; 
  var y = 100;

  p.setup = function() {
    p.createCanvas(700, 410);

  p.draw = function() {

var myp5 = new p5(sketch);


     var x = 100;
     var y = 100;

     function setup() {

     function draw() {

I have run through the source of p5.js but I am not sure how it works in both modes(global and instance) and how it detects which mode the user is using. I guess it has to do something with instance object _pInst which gets passed through p5.Element. Also in functions we find -

var ctx = this._pInst || this;

So my guess it that it takes for both cases in this OR statement.

Please correct me on this if I am wrong.


  • edited February 2016

    The answer is in core.js. context is assigned either to window or the containing object... The latter is far more sane - polluting the global scope is bad practice - though then requires a reference to the container to access p5 methods/properties.

    Edit: Note that at first run context is always assigned to the 'containing object' (since _isGlobal starts out false). However in global mode this will always be the browser's window object :((

    In instance mode it's the p5 object instantiated with new p5(sketch);

  • edited February 2016

    if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
    } else {
      window.addEventListener('load', _globalInit , false);
    var _globalInit = function() {
      if (!window.PHANTOMJS && !window.mocha) {
        // If there is a setup or draw function on the window
        // then instantiate p5 in "global" mode
        if((window.setup && typeof window.setup === 'function') ||
          (window.draw && typeof window.draw === 'function')) {
          new p5();
  • edited February 2016 Answer ✓
    var p5 = function(sketch, node, sync) {

      // If the user has created a global setup or draw function,
      // assume "global" mode and make everything global (i.e. on the window)
      if (!sketch) {
        this._isGlobal = true;
        // Loop through methods on the prototype and attach them to the window
        for (var p in p5.prototype) {
          if(typeof p5.prototype[p] === 'function') {
            var ev = p.substring(2);
            if (!this._events.hasOwnProperty(ev)) {
              window[p] = p5.prototype[p].bind(this);
          } else {
            window[p] = p5.prototype[p];
        // Attach its properties to the window
        for (var p2 in this) {
          if (this.hasOwnProperty(p2)) {
            window[p2] = this[p2];
      } else {
        // Else, the user has passed in a sketch closure that may set
        // user-provided 'setup', 'draw', etc. properties on this instance of p5
  • edited February 2016 Answer ✓
    • From those source excerpts above, p5.js pollutes the global scope every time it is instantiated w/o passing a sketch to it as its 1st argument.
    • To mark such momentous event, it also assigns true to _isGlobal. >:)
    • From "app.js" @ _globalInit(), if it finds setup() or draw() as functions in the global scope, it auto-instantiates a p5 for us.
    • It also makes sure to call _globalInit() only when page is completely loaded.
    • So it's relatively impervious to the order our setup() & draw() are ready in "Global Mode". \m/
  • To mark such momentous event, it also assigns true to _isGlobal.

    laughed hell hard. Thanks for the explanation @blindfish and @GoToLoop. Really appreciate it. \m/

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