why this doesn't draw??!

edited February 2016 in Questions about Code

This supose to draw a graf of how the buble sort arrange the bars but sometimes only shows the finsh The file "list.txt" is a list of 200 unorder numbers

BufferedReader reader;
int numbers[] = new int[200];
int nof_bars;
boolean start = true;
long lastTime = 0;
void setup()
  for (int i=0; i <  numbers.length;i++)
  nof_bars = numbers.length;
void draw()
  if (start)
    for(int i=0;i<numbers.length;i++)
     for(int j=i;j<numbers.length;j++)
       int memo =0;
       if (numbers[i]<numbers[j])
         memo = numbers[j];
         numbers[j] = numbers[i];
         numbers[i] = memo;
    start = !start;
void graf()
  for(int i =0; i < numbers.length; i++)
void create_list()
  String[] list = loadStrings("list.txt"); 
  for (int i=0; i < list.length;i++)
    numbers[i] = int(list[i]);


  • You'll get a better response if you format your code. Here's how:


  • The display only updates when draw () finishes.

  • This is by design.

  • for all kind of recursions it would be cool to be able to update the screen throughout somehow.

    question: would that be possible using eclipse or JAVA or another workaround?

  • Just a thought, not sure if it works but would it be a good idea to do the bubble sort in a separate method you launch in setup() and use noloop() and redraw() in each step?

  • edited February 2016

    No, redraw() also just lets draw() update the screen at the end - I guess

    The naive approach is :

    • call sorting from setup()

    • copy the full list in an ArrayList at each step

    • in draw() replay the ArrayList to show each step throughout

    but this is ugly....

  • edited February 2016

    I don't get why the "need" to implement our own sorting algorithm while Java already got sort() for both regular arrays & Collection containers: :O)

    1. http://docs.Oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Arrays.html#sort-T:A-java.util.Comparator-
    2. http://docs.Oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/Collections.html#sort-java.util.List-java.util.Comparator-

    It needs a Comparator parameter in case the elements to sort() aren't numbers, strings or don't implement its own Comparable:

    But for something as simple as an int[] array, Processing offers sort() too: *-:)

    Also Processing's own containers like IntList, FloatDict, etc., features sorting methods too! :-bd

  • A bit ugly...but seems to work.
    Draw histogram step by step pressing a key.

    BufferedReader reader;
    int numbers[] = new int[200];
    int nof_bars;
    boolean start = true;
    long lastTime = 0;
    boolean ii, jj;
    int i, j;
    boolean run;
    void setup()
      nof_bars = 10;
      for (int i=0; i < nof_bars; i++)
        numbers[i] = (int) random(10,100);
      i = -1;
      j = 0;
      run = true;
      jj = false;
    void draw()
      if (run&&keyPressed)
        run = false;
        if (start)
          if (i < nof_bars)
            if (jj == false) j = i;
            println("i=" + i + " j=" + j + " jj=" + jj);        
            if (j < nof_bars)
              jj = true;
              int memo = 0;
              if (numbers[i]<numbers[j])
                memo = numbers[j];
                numbers[j] = numbers[i];
                numbers[i] = memo;
              jj = false;
        if (i == nof_bars) start = !start;
    void graf()
      for(int k = 0; k < nof_bars; k++)
        if (k == i) fill(255,0,0);
        if (k == j) fill(0,255,0);
    void create_list()
      String[] list = loadStrings("list.txt"); 
      for (int i=0; i < list.length;i++)
        numbers[i] = int(list[i]);  
    void keyPressed()
      if (jj == false)
        i = i + 1;
        j = j + 1;
      println("K --> i=" + i + " j=" + j + " jj=" + jj);
      run = true;  
  • Yes, my noLoop() idea won't work as setup() will wait until the sort method is finished before moving on to draw.

    Here's my solution:

    BufferedReader reader;
    int numbers[] = new int[200];
    int nof_bars;
    boolean start = true;
    long lastTime = 0;
    int i = 0;
    void setup()
      size(900, 700);
      //for (int i=0; i <  numbers.length;i++)
      // println(numbers[i]);
      nof_bars = numbers.length;
    void draw()
      if (start && i < numbers.length)
        //Where did the i for loop go? It's gone!
        //I replaced it with the draw loop: now each draw() iteration has the same effect as one iteration in the old i for loop
        for (int j=i; j<numbers.length; j++)
          int memo =0;
          if (numbers[i]<numbers[j])
            memo = numbers[j];
            numbers[j] = numbers[i];
            numbers[i] = memo;
    void graf()
      for (int i =0; i < numbers.length; i++)
        rect(((width)/nof_bars)*i, height, (width)/nof_bars, -1*numbers[i]);
    void create_list()
      //I don't have your text file so I just fill numbers[] with random values
      for (int i=0; i < numbers.length; i++)
        numbers[i] = (int) random(height);
  • question: would that be possible using eclipse or JAVA or another workaround?

  • I mean these solutions won't work with recursions anyway

  • I don't get why the "need" to implement our own sorting algorithm while Java already got sort()

    learning exercise.

  • edited February 2016

    @Chrisir: with recursions is impossible ( almost for me :) ).
    Your solution with ArrayList should work.

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