Calling a function from a string

edited January 2016 in How To...

Hello! I have been working on a program and have run into a problem: I want to make a class where you can name the "Program" that this class is defining, and then run that function. Basically, call a function like you do in a thread, but I want to be able to display things. here is the class:

class App {
  String Name;
  int ID;
  App(String n,int i){
    Name = n;
    ID = i;
  void Run(){
    //This is what I need! :0

//and this is how I want to be able to use it:  
App Test = new App("Test",0);

void Test(){
  //Do some other stuff
//run the function like this:
void draw(){

so what I want to know is, how do I do it? :-/



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