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Hi all,
I am trying to find a easiest way to realize some of my ideas and publish to android market. And, it seems to me processing for android would be a good candidate for doing so. However, while setting up the environment by following the website (http://wiki.processing.org/w/Android), I noticed it says that "Note that this code is incomplete and contains bugs. It should be considered "beta" quality. Do not use this code while operating heavy equipment. Do not rely on this code for thesis or diploma work, as you will not graduate. Do not use this code if you're prone to whining about incomplete software that you download for free." Does this mean that the Apps created by using processing for android will be error prone? And, we should prevent using it for production.
Hi Victor, At the moment,I´m working on an own project for Android too. I think Processing is an adequate develop enviroment and you can realize very big projects with it,but the performance is at a lower level.As soon as I completed a good working beta version,I will release it at android market. greetz Flozzel
Processing is indeed a great tool for developing Android apps. It does contain a few bugs, but these are being ironed out by the devs and there are often work-arounds. Having developed two production Android apps in Processing so far, I can say that I did switch over to Eclipse for development after the initial release due to its simplicity of signing APKs for production, functionality that has yet to be included in the PDE. This does not mean that you can't continue to develop apps with the PDE, and this may become perfectly feasible once custom signing is implemented (perhaps something that I will be working on in the near future).
You could probably make Angry Birds with processing...
At least flying and bouncing around: :bz