Framebuffer error (framebuffer unsupported)

edited November 2013 in Using Processing

hi all,

i get a serious problem on my computer : i can't use openGL with processing : i get this :

Framebuffer error (framebuffer unsupported), rendering will probably not work as expected Read for help.
OpenGL error 1280 at bot beginDraw(): invalid enumerant
OpenGL error 1286 at bot endDraw(): invalid framebuffer operation
OpenGL error 1286 at bot beginDraw(): invalid framebuffer operation

on my computer : - NVidia geForce 610 M - intel core i5 -4GB DDR3 Memory

is it my computer is not compatible with processing using openGL ? because the basic 3d software makers ( blender , 3ds max) still running on my computer.

I searched a bit on this topic and i will hold on but this topic is not so well documented... Any suggestions ? I check




  • Although the geForce 610 is an entry-level GPU, it should support all the OpenGL features used by the P2D/P3D renderers in Processing, including framebuffer objects.

    I assume you are on Windows, could you try to see if there are any update for the opengl drivers, this often solves this kind of issues. Also, are you using Processing 2.0.3 or 2.1?

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