Using a String as an if-evaluation

edited October 2015 in Questions about Code


I wonder if it is possible to use the content of a String as an evaluation request in an If-function.

I am very new to processing and am working on a longer code, the if requests gets generated by a for();

Happy for every help!


request = "(1 < 2) & (1 < 3)";

if (request) {


  • You can't do this in Java mode. You'll need to parse the Strings yourself, or come up with a new design.

    You can do this with JavaScript through Processing.js, which is what Chrisir is mentioning.

  • edited October 2015

    If you are using Java Mode then you can use the Jasmine library but you would have to use the logical and/or (&& ||) instead of the bitwise and/or (& |).

    import org.quark.jasmine.*;
    String expr = "(1 < 2) && (1 < 3)";
    Expression e = Compile.expression(expr, false);
    boolean request = e.eval().answer().toBoolean();
    if (request) {
      println("That was true");
    } else {
      println("A falsehood!");
  • edited October 2015
     * JS ScriptEngine Eval
     * GoToLoop (2015-Oct-29)
    import javax.script.ScriptEngine;
    import javax.script.ScriptEngineManager;
    import javax.script.ScriptException;
    final ScriptEngine js = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("javascript");
    static final String EXPRESSION_1 = "1<2 & 1<3";
    static final String EXPRESSION_2 = "1<2 && 1<3";
    String evaluation;
    boolean bool;
    void setup() {
      evaluation = eval(EXPRESSION_1, js);
      bool = boolean(int(evaluation));
      println('\"' + EXPRESSION_1 + '\"', '\t', evaluation, '\t', bool);
      evaluation = eval(EXPRESSION_2, js);
      bool = boolean(evaluation);
      println('\"' + EXPRESSION_2 + '\"', '\t', evaluation, '\t', bool);
    static final String eval(String expression, ScriptEngine engine) {
      try {
        return engine.eval(expression).toString();
      catch (ScriptException ex) {
        throw new RuntimeException(ex);
  • That's cool. : - )

  • Also complete overkill for 90% of people with this question :p

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