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I'm trying to get processing to read a serial port on which I've collected data with an Arduino. I want this exported to a .csv file. I'm getting (and want) three outputs from the Arduino serial monitor, but processing gives me an array of several (usually about a 3x39). None of the numbers, or their sums are the values from Arduino. I'm using a win7 computer and a 2.1 version of processing.
Arduino code:
unsigned long sensorPin1 = A1; //in line, sensor 2 (velocity sensor 1)
unsigned long sensorValue1 = 300; //initial sensor value (Read)
unsigned long sensorValueold1 = 0; //secondary sensor check (for comparison to determine if there was a change in value i.e object passed through)
unsigned long sensorPin2 = A2; //in line, sensor 3 (velocity sensor 2)
unsigned long sensorValue2 = 300; //initail sensor value (Read)
unsigned long sensorValueold2 = 0; //secondary sensor check (for comparison to determine if there was a change in value i.e object passed through)
unsigned long sensorPin0 = A0; //in line, sensor 1 (initial timing sensor for acceleration calculation)
unsigned long sensorValue0 = 0; //initial sensor value (Read)
unsigned long sensorValueold0 = 0; //secondary sensor check (for comparison to determine if there was a change in value i.e object passed through)
float timer0 = 0; // time of object leaving sensor 1
float timer1 = 0; // time of object passsing through sensor 2
float timer2 = 0; // time of object passing through sensor 3
unsigned long timeElapsed1 = 0; //time elapsed for velocity calculation
unsigned long timeElapsed2 = 0; //time elapsed from leaving sensor 1 till passing through sensor 3
int counter0 = 0;
int counter1 = 0; //to determine of sensor 2 has been tripped
int counter2 = 0; //to determine of sensor 3 has been tripped
int trans1 = 13; // initializes charging transistor
int buttonpress = 10;
int countend = 0;
void setup() {
pinMode(trans1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonpress, INPUT);
void loop(){
int buttonpressPin = digitalRead(buttonpress); // checks button state
//Serial.println(buttonpressPin); // for testing, display button state (0, 1)
digitalWrite(trans1, LOW); // ensures the capacitor is not charging
if (buttonpressPin == HIGH){ //checks to see if button has been pressed
digitalWrite(trans1, HIGH); //turns charging circuit on
delay(15000); // charges for 7 seconds, aprox 350 volts
digitalWrite(trans1, LOW); // turns the charging circuit back off
sensorValueold0 = sensorValue0; //sets the old value of the sensor 1 reading to the new reading
sensorValue0 = analogRead(sensorPin0); //reads and resets the new value of sensor reading
if (sensorValueold0 > sensorValue0+10 && counter0 == 0){ //compares the two readings if sensor value changes, time stamp
timer0 = micros(); // time stamp in microseconds
sensorValueold1 = sensorValue1; // same as above for sensor 2
sensorValue1 = analogRead(sensorPin1);
if (sensorValueold1 < sensorValue1-15 && counter1 ==0){
timer1 = micros();
sensorValueold2 = sensorValue2; // same as above for sensor 3
sensorValue2 = analogRead(sensorPin2);
if (sensorValueold2 < sensorValue2-15 && counter2 == 0){
timer2 = micros();
// Serial.print(sensorValue0);
// Serial.print(",");
// Serial.print(sensorValue1);
// Serial.print(",");
// Serial.println(sensorValue2);
if (counter0 > 0 && counter2 > 0 && counter1 > 0 ){ //checks to make sure all three sensors have been tripped
//timeElapsed1 = timer2 - timer1; // Time used for velocity at sensor 3
//timeElapsed2 = timer2 - timer0; //Time used for acceleration between sensor 1 and sensor 3
// Serial.println(timeElapsed1); //outputs time between sensor 2 and 3
// Serial.println(timeElapsed2); //outputs time between sensor 1 and 3
/*timer0 = timer0/100;
timer1 = timer1/100;
timer2 = timer2/100;*/
counter0 = 0;
counter1 = 0; //resets counters and timers
counter2 = 0;
Serial.print(" , ");
Serial.print(" , ");
int countend = 1;
timer0 = 0;
timer1 = 0;
timer2 = 0;
Processing code:
import processing.serial.*;
PrintWriter output;
Serial myPort;
float[] serialInArray = new float[3];
float inByte = -1;
float time0, time1, time2 = 0;
int serialCount = 0;
void setup() {
output = createWriter("time.csv");
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
void draw () {
while (myPort.available () > 0) {
float serialByte = myPort.read(/*float*/);
//output.println(time0 + "," + time1+ "," + time2);
//output.println(norm(time0, 0, 1000000) + "," + norm(time1, 0, 1000000) + "," + norm(time2, 0, 1000000));
//output.println(map(time0, 0, 9600, 0, 115200) + "," + map(time1, 0, 9600, 0, 115200) + "," + map(time2, 0, 9600, 0, 115200));
//output.println(time0 + "," + time1 + "," + time2);
//output.println(map(time0, 0, 60, 0, 100000000) + "," + map(time1, 0, 60, 0, 100000000) + "," + map(time2, 0, 60, 0, 100000000));
//long time0, time1, time2 = 0;
/*void keyPressed() {
void processByte( float inByte) {
serialInArray[serialCount] = inByte;
if (serialCount > 2 ) {
time0 = serialInArray[0];
time1 = serialInArray[1];
time2 = serialInArray[2];
output.println(time0 + "," + time1 + "," + time2);
serialCount = 0;
void keyPressed() {