processing-java working in linux, failing in windows?

For a grading script, I have a directory:


inside this directory we create a directory a, and inside that we rename the processing file to a.pde. From the directory shown above, we execute:

processing-java --sketch=a --output=test --build

This works in linux, but fails in windows with the message "a not found"


  • Windows is a bit picky about the / slash. Ask the OS using println() on how it likes the path to be formatted, most likely with a \ slash.

    Ask = request the sketch folder location etc.

  • edited October 2015

    in the cmd prompt, we are at that directory. There is no slash other than my description. The command does not contain a slash.

    cd c:\grading2\temp\tmp
    processing-java --sketch=a --output=test --build

    simply does not work. The problem is presumably some kind of bug in processing under windows.

  • Try feeding --sketch and --output the full path + a like $file_path/a (poking in the dark here)

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