Is there a 'how to add ControlP5 for dummies'?

I'm a designer, not a coder. And I would like to add ControlP5 to a script I have. Is there somewhere an easy tutorial which explains everything step by step? Because whatever I try, I can't get it to work. So I need some help.

Hope to hear from you guys.

Cheers, Sander



  • ControlP5 is quite easy to get up and running. Where are you stuck? The example sketches usually provide good help. Also make sure you're using Processing 2.2.1 because ControlP5 isn't compatible with the most recent processing version.

    If you're still stuck you might want to look into G4P as it has a GUI builder which might be more convenient.

  • Hi, did you browse through the readme file on the github page? It gives a brief introduction to getting started with controlP5. the most up to date version of controlP5 can be found on github inside the releases directory or you use Processing's library manager. With version 2.2.5 of the library you are also good to go with the latest version of processing (currently being 3.0 beta 5).

  • Hi colouredmirrorball and sojamo,

    Thanks for the tips!

    I saw the github page indeed, and the first time I tried it I got stuck. I'm gonna give it another try, and if I don't manage I'm gonna read about G4P.

    Will let you know if I succeeded!

    Cheer, Sander

  • edited September 2015

    G4P and GUI builder should only be used with Processing 2.2.1 I am working on updates for PS3.

    You might like to visit the website there are some videos showing how to use GUI Builder.

    Link to first of five videos

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