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Is it possible to merge one transparent PGraphic with another one?
like this?
PGraphics [] pgs = new PGraphics [2]; void setup(){ size(400,400); pgs[0] = createGraphics(width, height); pgs[1] = createGraphics(width, height); pgs[0].beginDraw(); pgs[0].background(255,0); pgs[0].fill(190,100,200); pgs[0].noStroke(); pgs[0].ellipse(200, 134 ,100, 100);// ellipse pgs[0].endDraw(); pgs[1].beginDraw(); pgs[1].background(255,0); pgs[1].fill(200,190,100); pgs[1].rect(150, 218 ,100, 100);// rect pgs[1].image(pgs[0], 0, 0);// merge pgs[1].endDraw(); background(77); image(pgs[1], 0, 0);// display only one strokeWeight(4); line(0, 200, 400, 200); }
I didn't thought about image() within the PGraphic. Thanks. I only knew arrayCopy(pg[0], pg[1]) -using that example- which would copy every pixel and replace them all.
That's why showing a bit of code often helps in pointing out errors...
Indeed, it is little known that a PGraphics is actually a PImage and can be treated like one: it just has additional drawing capabilities.
like this?
I didn't thought about image() within the PGraphic. Thanks. I only knew arrayCopy(pg[0], pg[1]) -using that example- which would copy every pixel and replace them all.
That's why showing a bit of code often helps in pointing out errors...
Indeed, it is little known that a PGraphics is actually a PImage and can be treated like one: it just has additional drawing capabilities.