Motion sensor signal using

Hey guys, I'm fairly new to processing and coding in general, the reason I came to it was to find out how could I make certain video and/or audio to change playing speed/frame rate accordingly to motion sensor data. I understand that those kind of tasks are not for beginners to make happen so I thought maybe some more experienced people might give some ideas/advice how it could be done (if possible at all). Cheers!



  • edited August 2015 Answer ✓

    oh dear....

    what research have you done....?


    • first start by making a sketch that plays a video or a sound and where you can change the speed (eg. with key + and - )

    • then the idea is to buy an arduino and plug a motion sensor on it and program the arduino in C (get arduino IDE) and upload it to arduino and run it there and read the values with a processing sketch...


    sensors for arduino...

  • Answer ✓

    A simpler approach is to use the Arduino library in Processing to talk to the Firmata firmware in the Arduino.

    This way you don't need to write your own Arduino code.

  • Really!


    Talk like in control...?

  • Yep, control. It's limited to digital read/write, analog read/write, and servo control, so if you need to do any more complex processing in the Arduino you have to roll your own communication, but those routines cover most Arduino needs.

  • edited August 2015

    I mainly upload and let arduino run on its own..... without cable attached, so it's autonomous....

    Maybe that's why I didn't know yet....

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