Can't get my export to work properly...

edited November 2013 in How To...

I've exported a few things before... But for some reason I can't get this one to work. When I click to start the application the icon for '' pops up on my dock but nothing pops up no matter how long I wait.

So here's what I did: I hit the export button. I moved literally every file into the source folder (they were not organized before, they were all just in the same folder as the .pde) I didn't change the names of anything. I haven't been able to figure this out for awhile now despite looking for the answer...

I think it could be the sound causing the problem because each sound gives this error when starting:

==== JavaSound Minim Error ==== ==== Don't know the ID3 code PRIV


==== JavaSound Minim Error ==== ==== Don't know the ID3 code TXXX

Or could it be the fact that I have lines with the 'println' and 'print' functions.

Are either of those things that cause the .app file to do nothing? Or am I doing something else wrong?

I'm not sure how to attach the files... But I can do that if you guys let me know how (my first time coming on here and actually posting instead of searching for help).

Edit: I'm on a Mac but I can't get the Mac version to work and my friends haven't been able to get the PC version to work (where I tried the same things).

Thanks in advance for the help.


  • The Minim "errors" are actually just warnings, you should have the same in the PDE (or are these errors displayed in the PDE? Do you get them in the exported application?)

    The println() shouldn't be a problem, unless you have tons of them. In doubt, you can just comment them out.

    I don't understand the "I moved literally every file into the source folder" part. What do you moved, to where?

    And last, I don't see what version of Processing you use. Do you use any library beside Minim?

  • Sorry, forgot to post what version. I believe that I'm using Processing v2.08b This version still lets me export to multiple platforms (unlike v2.1)

    The Minim warnings are shown in the area where I normally see the text from a println() when I'm running the program with the Play button from the .pde. But since the exported version doesn't get to view the actual code or the box underneath it, I can't tell if it the exported version is getting the same warnings.

    As for the moving files part. I read somewhere (can't find it now) that you need to move all outside files (images, sounds, ect) into the 'source' folder (Mac) or 'lib' (PC).

    So in my sketch folder, I have the .pde, some .png, some .jpg, some .wav, and some .mp3. The program runs perfectly from the .pde.

    When I export it, it creates the folders 'application.macosx' and 'application.windows32' Inside the 'application.macosx' folder there is the '' file (the equivalent of a PC's .exe) and a 'source' folder with '' and 'Multimedia.pde'. However, because that folder does not have any of my sounds and images I copy every single sound and image into the source folder. This as far as I've been able to find should enable the .app to run... But, if it ran, I wouldn't be here right now.

    It's essentially the same for the 'application.windows32' folder. This one has a .exe instead of a .app and it has a 'lib' and a 'source' folder. I've tried putting the images and sounds in both and it has not worked for me yet.

    Perhaps if someone can show me a correctly exported application that uses images and sounds not created in Processing (i.e a .png, .jpg) I might be able to see what I'm doing wrong.

  • bump does anyone have any suggestions for me to try? Perhaps you need more information about the problem... Let me know if you need anything more and I'll do my best.

    I'm trying to get the app to work so others can download it from my portfolio.

  • In a recent thread, it appeared that some DLL residing beside the jar files of the libraries were missing in the export. Perhaps you can check this (and the equivalent for shared libraries for Mac).

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