how do i run this program from processing?

edited July 2015 in How To...

Hi! I am again asking about a program I have been working on. I am trying to make my processing program open file explorer on my computer. so I copied Explorer (windows file explorer in to my data folder. but when I try to run it, it wont open. Why? if (folderopen = false){ open("fileapp.exe"); folderopen = true; }



  • You shouldn't copy the program into your sketcj folder

    Instead use the full path where it is stored regularly

    Is it really called fileappp??

  • thanks for helping. I renamed the app so windows didn't get confused. usually, it is called windows explorer.

    the reason I have it in the folder though is because if I give it to someone else to try, then it wont be the same location, I think.

  • Err..

    can you start it from your sketch folder manually?

    I am not sure windows will run it this way in the first place....

  • edited July 2015

    Normally windows programs don't like it to be moved....

    When you want to run it on a different computer though there are other ways to do so: e.g. like to retrieve the windows folder from a system variable etc.

  • Maybe just try open("C:\Windows\explorer.exe"); , as it is always in that folder... There may be issues with rights however.

  • Ok...


    can you start it from your sketch folder manually?

    I am not sure windows will run it this way in the first place....

    Yes. I can. And I ran a test program an ran it from processing (Since it was a different program, I had to type in the entire path) And it worked fine. Does that help?

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