How To hide or combine all of the exported files that processing makes when you export?

Hello I made a game, and I have it exported. Now the thing is I have a src folder, a lib a bin, a java, and a data folder. Now I know those are essential for the code to run (well all except for the source) but I was wondering if this is able to be combined into one? I don't want people messing with the game's folders and making it bad for others to play. I read here:, that you can use JSmooth or Launch4j, but those are not really Processing Centric to me, I don't even know how to use them, and there are no videos or webpages out there that show you how to use it for Processing and not for Java. (If you know how please could you tell me? heh heh) So I do not really know how to use them. Also, I sort of posted a similar question on StackOverflow but its not the exact same words so I don't know if that is cross-posting. So if you need a link to the other post just give me a holler. Thank you as always, in advance!

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