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Hello. Based on the example file -minim/Scrubbing, I want to control the play, scrub forward and backward with inputs from Arduino. So far, I am able to use a momentary switch to play the audio (when pressed, the audio plays and when released it stops). But I am not able to control scrub forward or backward. As you see, I am trying to use analogRead to control the rewind. Processing is recognising the serial data from Arduino board. I am using StandardFirmata.
(If I can get the Arduino inputs to work, I will not need to have the graphic buttons.)
Any assistance is much appreciated. Thank you very much.
The example has two tabs - Scrubbing and Button. Below I copy the two tabs. First Scrubbing tab, which I have tried to alter. I have not changed the coding of the second tab, Button.
/* First Scrubbing tab */
* This is a relatively simple file player that lets you scrub forward and backward in an audio file.<br />
* It should be noted that it's not *exactly* scrubbing because the playback speed is not changed,
* it's simply that the position in the song is changed by very small increments when fast-forwarding or rewinding.
* But the end result is convincing enough.
* <p>
* The positioning code is inside of the Play, Rewind, and Forward classes, which are in button.pde.
* <p>
* For more information about Minim and additional features,
* visit http://code.compartmental.net/minim/
import processing.serial.*; //new
import cc.arduino.*; //new
import ddf.minim.*;
Minim minim;
AudioPlayer song;
Play play;
Rewind rewind;
Forward ffwd;
Arduino arduino; //new
void setup()
size(512, 200, P3D);
minim = new Minim(this);
// load a file from the data folder, use a sample buffer of 1024 samples
song = minim.loadFile("fair1939.wav", 512);
// buttons for control
play = new Play(width/2 - 50, 130, 20, 10);
rewind = new Rewind(width/2, 130, 20, 10);
ffwd = new Forward(width/2 + 50, 130, 20, 10);
arduino = new Arduino(this, Arduino.list()[5], 57600);
arduino.pinMode(2, Arduino.INPUT);
arduino.pinMode(7, Arduino.INPUT);
void draw()
// draw the wave form
// this wav is MONO, so we only need the left channel,
// though we could have used the right channel and gotten the same values
for (int i = 0; i < song.bufferSize () - 1; i++)
line(i, 50 - song.left.get(i)*50, i+1, 50 - song.left.get(i+1)*10);
// draw the position in the song
// the position is in milliseconds,
// to get a meaningful graphic, we need to map the value to the range [0, width]
float x = map(song.position(), 0, song.length(), 0, width);
stroke(255, 0, 0);
line(x, 50 - 20, x, 50 + 20);
// do the controls
if (arduino.digitalRead(2) == Arduino.HIGH) {
} else {
if (arduino.analogRead(0)>400) {
void mousePressed()
void mouseReleased()
/* Second Button tab (has not been altered from the example)*/
abstract class Button
int x, y, hw, hh;
Button(int x, int y, int hw, int hh)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.hw = hw;
this.hh = hh;
boolean pressed()
return mouseX > x - hw && mouseX < x + hw && mouseY > y - hh && mouseY < y + hh;
abstract void mousePressed();
abstract void mouseReleased();
abstract void update();
abstract void draw();
class Play extends Button
boolean play;
boolean invert;
Play(int x, int y, int hw, int hh)
super(x, y, hw, hh);
play = true;
// code to handle playing and pausing the file
void mousePressed()
if ( pressed() )
invert = true;
if ( song.isPlaying() )
play = true;
play = false;
void mouseReleased()
invert = false;
// play is a boolean value used to determine what to draw on the button
void update()
if ( song.isPlaying() ) play = false;
else play = true;
void draw()
if ( invert )
rect(x - hw, y - hh, hw*2, hh*2);
if ( invert )
if ( play )
triangle(x - hw/3, y - hh/2, x - hw/3, y + hh/2, x + hw/2, y);
rect(x - hw/3, y - hh/2, hw/4, hh);
rect(x + hw/8, y - hh/2, hw/4, hh);
class Rewind extends Button
boolean invert;
boolean pressed;
Rewind(int x, int y, int hw, int hh)
super(x, y, hw, hh);
invert = false;
// code used to scrub backward in the file
void update()
// if the rewind button is currently being pressed
if (pressed)
// get the current song position
int pos = song.position();
// if it greater than 200 milliseconds
if ( pos > 200 )
// rewind the song by 200 milliseconds
// if the song hasn't played more than 100 milliseconds
// just rewind to the beginning
void mousePressed()
pressed = pressed();
if ( pressed )
invert = true;
// if the song isn't currently playing, rewind it to the beginning
if ( !song.isPlaying() ) song.rewind();
void mouseReleased()
pressed = false;
invert = false;
void draw()
if ( invert )
rect(x - hw, y - hh, hw*2, hh*2);
if ( invert )
triangle(x - hw/2, y, x, y - hh/2, x, y + hh/2);
triangle(x, y, x + hw/2, y - hh/2, x + hw/2, y + hh/2);
class Forward extends Button
boolean invert;
boolean pressed;
Forward(int x, int y, int hw, int hh)
super(x, y, hw, hh);
invert = false;
void update()
// if the forward button is currently being pressed
if (pressed)
// get the current position of the song
int pos = song.position();
// if the song's position is more than 40 milliseconds from the end of the song
if ( pos < song.length() - 40 )
// forward the song by 40 milliseconds
// otherwise, cue the song at the end of the song
song.cue( song.length() );
// start the song playing
void mousePressed()
pressed = pressed();
if ( pressed )
invert = true;
void mouseReleased()
pressed = false;
invert = false;
void draw()
if ( invert )
rect(x - hw, y - hh, hw*2, hh*2);
if ( invert )
triangle(x, y, x - hw/2, y - hh/2, x - hw/2, y + hh/2);
triangle(x, y - hh/2, x, y + hh/2, x + hw/2, y);
You'll get a better response if you format your code. Here's how:
Thank you very much for the suggestion. I wasn't aware of the feature - first time posting. I reformatted the code!
Hi, the problem is that when Arduino (2) is low, continuously sends "0" (song.pause).. Try this, Arduino (2) one push start, one push stop ..
Hello. Thank you for your suggestion.
I replace the following part of the first tab with yours, but did not work. I did declare both state and pos as int in void draw() because it gave me error. Also, am I suppose to keep the second tab, Button? I have a feeling I don't need to...?
Please let me know if I followed your direction.
sorry..., pos need to start over from the beginning the song
the problem is, else song.pause. try..
perhaps I understand .. :D
Thank you so much, camperos!!!
I took your suggestions and here is what I have at the moment. Please see the sketch below.
When a momentary button[digital 2] is pressed, it starts playing the audio file. While this file is play, I am able to scrub forward with Analog 0[A0] and backward with Analog 1[A1]! This is very close to what I am looking for!!
What is neat is that without playing the audio file, I can fast forward or rewind by pressing either A0 or A1. And when I press Digital 2, the audio begins to play at that point.
Something I need to figure out is that I am not able to pause the file with Digital 2 pin.
I would like to understand what the int pos; and pos = song.position(); were supposed to do. Currently, they are commented out.
song.pause, if state ==0
Hi, Cameros. Thank you very much for your extensive help. I will be following up this thread once I make a bit more progress. I am trying to loop the audio infinitely. somehow song.loop is not working...