I pic a code from internet and i want to know how to treat it with opencv?

edited June 2015 in Library Questions

/open a video source;/ /Initialize the value of frame number and size/ int frameNumbers=Video Frame Numbers; int sizeX=Frame Size X; int sizeY=Frame Size Y; int frameIndex=0; /Build a 3D volume from converting frames into slices/ 3Darray STV [frameNumbers][sizeX][sizeY]; for (frameIndex from 0 to frameNumbers) 1Darray image=get next frame; STV[frameNumber]=image; end for; /Translate the 3D array into 1D DAT file format/ 1Darray volume[frameNumberssizeXsizeY]; volume=3Dto1D(STV); end;



  • We can't help you, because:

    • We don't know what that "code" is doing. It doesn't even look like it will run. Post working code, and format it correctly.

    • We have no idea what you are trying to accomplish. Your description is vague at best. Can you show up a mock-up image of what you are trying to do?

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