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is there any way to do this? i found this thread ( http://forum.processing.org/one/topic/using-keypressed-in-custom-keyboard-handler-class-eclipse.html) from the old forum but i did not quite understand PshiLHo`s answer. can someone make it a bit clearer? example
public class GUI{
//call keypPressed some how in here
and the class with setup() and draw()
public class GUIMain extends PApplet{
void setup(){
void draw(){
public static void main(String[] args) {
PApplet.main(new String[] { GUIMain.class.getName() });
i need to make a small gui and i think it will better to code interactivity inside this class
Based on my interpretation of post you linked to
This is another way of doing it which gives your class greater control. The code registers your gui object to receive mouse and key events.
thanks Quark! the second way is the one i was looking for.
(email notifications do not work in this forum or is it just me? i have them enabled)