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Hi, I would like to use the guardian API I have a key but I don't know how to start in processing. All the examples I can find are outdated using libraries that can't be use with Processing 0.3. Really appreciate any help.
Why can't they be used with Processing 3?
they use processing.xml
can you post a xml code you got from guardian, then we can take a look?
Thanks for your reply .This is what I have been looking at http://www.theguardian.com/open-platform/blog/the-truth-is-in-there
as said, since I don't have the api key, please post a result of a query
I see, you don't get a result
/* Getting Started with the Gaurdian Content API Sample file for this post: April, 2009 blprnt@blprnt.com http: // forum.processing.org/two/discussion/10422/the-guardian-api http: // www.theguardian.com/open-platform/blog/the-truth-is-in-there ***** Make sure you enter your API Key on the GuardianArticleSearch API */ //This is the setup wrapper. Any instructions we put in here will run once, when the program is started. void setup() { GuardianArticleSearch mySearch = new GuardianArticleSearch(); // mySearch.addQueries("FBI"); mySearch.addQueries("NASA"); GuardianArticleSearchResult myResult = mySearch.doSearch(); println("count " + myResult.count); } //This is the draw wrapper. Any instructions we put in here will over and over again, as long as the program is running. void draw() { // empty } // // ------------------------------------- /* TimesArticleSearch Class February, 2009 blprnt@blprnt.com */ public class GuardianArticleSearch { ArrayList queries = new ArrayList(); ArrayList filters = new ArrayList(); String after; String before; int count = 10; String baseURL = "http" +"://" +content.guardianapis.com/search"; String apiKey = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"; import java.net.URLEncoder; /* * * Constructor * */ // GuardianArticleSearch() { // }; /* * * Search functions - return TimesArticleSearchResults * */ GuardianArticleSearchResult doSearch() { GuardianArticleSearchResult dc = new GuardianArticleSearchResult(); String url = constructURL(); println(url); println("***********************"); XML xml; boolean done = false; int c = 0; while (!done && c < 10) { c++; try { // URL myUrl = new URL(url); // HttpURLConnection myConn = (HttpURLConnection) myUrl.openConnection(); // myConn.setFollowRedirects(true); // myConn.setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/4.76"); // BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(myConn.getInputStream())); // xml = new XMLElement(br); // dc.processResults(xml); xml=loadXML(url); done = true; println("step 1 ***********************"); println(xml); println("***********************"); dc.processResults(xml); // the core I guess } catch (Exception e) { println("EXCEPTION " + e); }; }; return(dc); }; /* * * Search modifying functions * */ void addQueries(String q) { String[] qa = split(q, ","); for (int i = 0; i < qa.length; i++) { queries.add(queries.size(), URLEncoder.encode(qa[i])); }; }; void clearQueries() { queries = new ArrayList(); }; void addFilters(String q) { String[] qa = split(q, ","); for (int i = 0; i < qa.length; i++) { filters.add(filters.size(), qa[i]); }; }; void clearFilters() { filters = new ArrayList(); }; /* * * URL construction * */ String constructURL() { String url; if (after != null) { // mostly not in use??? url = baseURL + "?q=" + getQueries() + getFilters() + "&after=" + after + "&before=" + before + "&format=xml&count=" + count + "&api-key=" + apiKey; } else { // the real line url = baseURL + "?q=" + getQueries() + getFilters() + "&format=xml&count=" + count + "&api-key=" + apiKey; // test line // url = baseURL + "?" + "format=xml&api-key=" + apiKey; }; return(url); }; String getQueries() { String q = ""; for (int i = 0; i < queries.size (); i++) { q += (String) queries.get(i); if (i < queries.size() - 1) q += ","; }; return(q); }; String getFilters() { String q = ""; for (int i = 0; i < filters.size (); i++) { if (i == 0) q += "&"; q += "filter=" + (String) filters.get(i); if (i < queries.size() - 1) q += "&"; }; return(q); }; }; //---------------------------------- /* TimesArticleSearchResult Class February, 2009 blprnt@blprnt.com <search count="4895" start-index="0"> <results> <content> </results> </search> */ public class GuardianArticleSearchResult { GuardianContentObject[] content = { }; int count = 0; GuardianTagObject[] tags = { }; // GuardianArticleSearchResult() { // }; void processResults(XML xml) { // ???????????????? // count = xml.getInt("count"); count = xml.getInt("total"); XML results = xml.getChild(0); int rc = results.getChildCount(); content = new GuardianContentObject[rc]; for (int i = 0; i < rc; i++) { GuardianContentObject gc = new GuardianContentObject(); gc.processXML( results.getChild(i)); content[i] = gc; }; XML filters = xml.getChild(1); int fc = filters.getChildCount(); tags = new GuardianTagObject[fc]; for (int j = 0; j < fc; j++) { GuardianTagObject to = new GuardianTagObject(); to.processXML( filters.getChild(j)); tags[j] = to; }; }; }; // ----------------------------- class GuardianContentObject { String id; String gtype; String web_url; String api_url; // GuardianContentObject() { // // }; GuardianTagObject[] tags = { }; void processXML(XML xml) { id = xml.getString("id"); gtype = xml.getString("type"); web_url = xml.getString("web-url"); api_url = xml.getString("api-url"); XML taggedWith = xml.getChild(8); int tc = taggedWith.getChildCount(); tags = new GuardianTagObject[tc]; for (int i = 0; i < tc; i ++) { GuardianTagObject t = new GuardianTagObject(); t.processXML(taggedWith.getChild(i)); tags[i] = t; }; }; }; //-------------- class GuardianTagObject { String name; String type; String gfilter; String api_url; String web_url; // GuardianTagObject() { // }; void processXML(XML xml) { name = xml.getString("name"); type = xml.getString("type"); gfilter = xml.getString("filter"); api_url = xml.getString("api-url"); web_url = xml.getString("web-ut"); } }
up and running...
the xml handling is completely new (and more easy) in processing now
also guardian changed the url
and changed count to total
on the page you posted a lot of the code is missing
you could write them or search the forum there
Hi,thanks. what you copy gave me the error "unexpected token" in here:
String baseURL = "http://content.guardianapis.com/search";
could you give me an example of missing code?
the forum is destroying links like this
insert the api key
it worked for me
String baseURL = "http" +"://" +content.guardianapis.com/search";
(forum also destroys multi-line comments unless you start them with /** (two stars))
yes, as said replace the yellow line with
you could PM me your e-mail-adress and I can send you my zip-file tonight
I had to put all tabs into one since the forum doesn't allow uploads of zips
just read the code carefully; the yellow line just doesn't make sense ...
Shouldn't it be
String baseURL = "http" +"://" +"content.guardianapis.com/search";
? That's the only way I can get it to work...
yes I mentioned that twice above
Why can't they be used with Processing 3?
they use processing.xml
can you post a xml code you got from guardian, then we can take a look?
Thanks for your reply .This is what I have been looking at http://www.theguardian.com/open-platform/blog/the-truth-is-in-there
as said, since I don't have the api key, please post a result of a query
I see, you don't get a result
up and running...
the xml handling is completely new (and more easy) in processing now
also guardian changed the url
and changed count to total
on the page you posted a lot of the code is missing
you could write them or search the forum there
Hi,thanks. what you copy gave me the error "unexpected token" in here:
String baseURL = "http://content.guardianapis.com/search";
could you give me an example of missing code?
the forum is destroying links like this
insert the api key
it worked for me
(forum also destroys multi-line comments unless you start them with /** (two stars))
yes, as said replace the yellow line with
you could PM me your e-mail-adress and I can send you my zip-file tonight
I had to put all tabs into one since the forum doesn't allow uploads of zips
just read the code carefully; the yellow line just doesn't make sense ...
Shouldn't it be
String baseURL = "http"
? That's the only way I can get it to work...
yes I mentioned that twice above