UNSOLVEABLE BUT ANSWERED - OPENGL rendering multiple windows (frames) ?
Contributed Library Questions
7 months ago
i'd like to have a preview window popping up, showing some 3d stuff and closing afterwards (as soon as you click the X in the title bar). so far i am almost able to do so, my big problem is:
if i use opengl (or any other but the default renderer) as renderer for the child window, my parent window (opengl) freezes. basically i did this: http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/examples/extra/ControlP5frame/ControlP5frame.pde and added a WindowListener() to the 2nd frame).
i know JOGL should be able to handle multiple windows (frames) , but how could i do the trick when using PApplet?
thanks for any hints in advance!
btw i unsuccessfully tried these line of code https://forum.processing.org/topic/second-monitor-window-and-optimizing-performance#25080000000721035
this one does not work with opengl (p2d or p3d) too: https://forum.processing.org/#topic/25080000000074131
i'd like to have a preview window popping up, showing some 3d stuff and closing afterwards (as soon as you click the X in the title bar). so far i am almost able to do so, my big problem is:
if i use opengl (or any other but the default renderer) as renderer for the child window, my parent window (opengl) freezes. basically i did this: http://www.sojamo.de/libraries/controlP5/examples/extra/ControlP5frame/ControlP5frame.pde and added a WindowListener() to the 2nd frame).
i know JOGL should be able to handle multiple windows (frames) , but how could i do the trick when using PApplet?
thanks for any hints in advance!
btw i unsuccessfully tried these line of code https://forum.processing.org/topic/second-monitor-window-and-optimizing-performance#25080000000721035
this one does not work with opengl (p2d or p3d) too: https://forum.processing.org/#topic/25080000000074131