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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpOther Libraries › exporting as an applet with libraries
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exporting as an applet with libraries (Read 1408 times)
exporting as an applet with libraries
Jun 16th, 2010, 11:52am
I recently published an applet for an processing sketch, and everything worked fine.  I then found I had to add a couple buttons to the sketch, which required me to import the interfascia gui library.  I did so, everything worked fine and i re-exported as both an applet and an application.  The application works fine, but when I try to run the core.jar applet, it gives me an error.  The console error says that "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: processing/core/PApplet".  Other posts have said that all I have to do is sign my applets, but I signed all three applets (the library .jar, the main .jar, and the core .jar) and it still does not work.

Any help would be appreciated. (and let me know if it would be helpful to post my code)
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