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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpSound,  Music Libraries › audio analyser > to internet (JS)
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audio analyser > to internet (JS) (Read 1405 times)
audio analyser > to internet (JS)
Jun 14th, 2010, 3:09pm
Hello there, I am developing a project for my Uni course and I am pretty new with processing and arduino.
Basically what I need is to process the signal coming from an audio input and to convert the values in order to be sent to a javascript page (google maps API), maybe in a html array(?).
Any advice???

I attached the entire description of the project but you don't really need to read it cause it pretty long and boring. Thanks a lot to everyone!

I  decided to create something that concerns with maps, roads, routes…  and vinyl records. A machine that will create routes (idea from the drift, "derive, by Guy Debord's psychogeography and situationism) depending on the disc you choose (and depending on the space in which you will hear it).
While the turntable will play the selected vinyl, a microphone will analyse the sound spectrum of what it is playing. This spectrum will be modified in two variables (X, Y), say for example we will examine the volume and pitch. These two variables will be used to add a point ( coordinates X, Y) on the map we are creating.

At the same time, the map will contain a third type of information (variable Z), something like altitude or population's density. This means that for each value of X, Y, we would have a value of Z. This will be sent back to the turntable and it will decide the movement of the arm of the turntable (the movement will create noises and scratches cause there will be no up and down movement of the reading-head). The arm of the turntable is controlled by a motor (which will move in both directions). The values of this motor (Z1) will go for example from 0 to 100 (correspondingly start - end of the disc). For each value of Z, for example (altitude 450 meters on a certain point) we will have a corresponding Z1, for example 86 .. this will move the arm of the turntable. We will so hear another piece of vinyl - restarting the process all over again - creation other coordinates.

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