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Stop an audio track (Read 2489 times)
Stop an audio track
Jun 13th, 2010, 7:23am

I tell you my situation.
I've got an image divised in areas. When the cursor pass in an area, start a song. There is a song for each area. In this process it's all right. My problem borns here: when the cursor leave the area, the song continue to play: I need that it stop, otherwise shortly all the songs play together and start the total caos!

So, here the question: what's the code to block my song when I exit by the area?

Thank you very much!  Smiley

P.S. I'm an italian guy, so I'm sorry for my language errors.
Re: Stop an audio track
Reply #1 - Jun 16th, 2010, 10:57pm
      //startPlaying the song
      // only make it play once or else it will keep
      // playing over it self

 //stop the song
 //and rewind if its a imported sound file
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