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shapes3d: making a new shape (Read 4123 times)
shapes3d: making a new shape
Jun 13th, 2010, 6:27am

having trawled through Discourse + tried to make sense of the libraries documentation.

How do I make an L shaped shape - & not by simply placing some boxes together.

These will be parts of a bitmap style typeface being extruded into 3D.

By hacking the Picking example supplied with the shape3d library I can create a grid of 'box pixels', but I'd like to end up with the actual shapes of the letterforms.

Any help here much appreciated


Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #1 - Jun 13th, 2010, 10:52am
Have you looked at some of the typography libraries..
Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #2 - Jun 13th, 2010, 11:02am
You might also look at these 2 examples.

How do I make an L shaped shape - & not by simply placing some boxes together.

Since you are using a bitmap font then putting boxes together might be a solution the following code shows how it might be done quite 'neatly'
import shapes3d.utils.*;
import shapes3d.animation.*;
import shapes3d.*;

import peasy.*;

Anchor letterL;
Box sL1, sL2;

PeasyCam pcam;

void setup(){

 letterL = createLetterL();

 pcam =new PeasyCam(this,200);

void draw(){


Anchor createLetterL(){
 Anchor anc;
 Box sL1, sL2;

 anc = new Anchor(this);
 sL1 = new Box(this, 20,100,16);
 sL1.shapeOrientation( null,
   new PVector(sL1.getWidth()/2, -sL1.getHeight()/2,0));

 sL2 = new Box(this, 50,20,16);
 sL2.shapeOrientation( null,
   new PVector(sL1.getWidth()+sL2.getWidth()/2, -sL2.getHeight()/2,0));

 return anc;
Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #3 - Jun 13th, 2010, 11:29am

thank you both for getting back

I can just about do the thing with boxes - which I'll post when it actually works...

I've already done some work on a 2D version



+ a test sketch that can rotate the 2D text using the default shape tools

my end goal is to be exporting the 3D version from Processing into a format usable with a 3D printer for which I figured I'd need more than just a grid of boxes

Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #4 - Jun 14th, 2010, 1:37am
into a format usable with a 3D printer

You might search the forum for "3D printer" as a number of people have done that have a look at

Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #5 - Jun 14th, 2010, 2:16am
you just need to export your files as STL. Toxi, Marius Watz, and FluidForms offer some STL Exporter. Take a closer look at the libraries page
Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #6 - Jun 14th, 2010, 3:32am
great stuff

I started working with the shapes3d library cause it looked the easiest

I've now got a 3D boxes version working

while its quite nice in a way to go from pixels to boxes

I'm still after extruding the letterforms


exported cube from blender into Processing via FluidForms lib

will experiment some more

and thanks for all the help

Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #7 - Jun 14th, 2010, 11:40am
Did you see


Chrisir   Wink
Re: shapes3d: making a new shape
Reply #8 - Jun 14th, 2010, 3:02pm



I have 3D text made out of boxes via shapes3d library

generated from the arrays I put together for the 2D prototype

this uses peasycam so 3D text object can be moved about by user

then adding the fluidforms lib 3D object becomes very hard to get hold of & the generated STL file isnt getting any results in Blender.

Exported a STL from the non extruded custom shapes sketch I started with

this imports into Blender but shapes are all screwy  - as in the + of a letter t has the corners replaced with diagonals
and letters like 'o' which I made out of 2 seperate shapes just turns into solid shape

so some way still to go...

& thanks again to everyone for pionters to resources etc

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