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IndexProgramming Questions & HelpPrograms › find position of letters in a text
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find position of letters in a text (Read 1933 times)
find position of letters in a text
May 31st, 2010, 2:54pm
I'm looking for displaying text and link all the letters "a" by a line.
in order to do that I need to know the position (x,y) of each letters in my text.

i've begin that but I absolutely don't know how to find the position (x,y) of all my letters "a" in the text

there the beginning of my prog:


PFont fontA;
char[] lettres;
int taillems;
String chaine="";
String montexte;
String[] paragraphe;
ArrayList positionA;
int lesA;
int lesespaces;

void setup() {
 size(1024, 768);
 // Set the font and its size (in units of pixels)
 fontA = loadFont("AvantGardeLT-Book-48.vlw");
 textFont(fontA, 32);
 //loading text
 paragraphe= loadStrings("essai.txt");
 // initialisation variables
 lesA = 0;
 positionA=new ArrayList();
 //decouper la chaine en element individuels/////////////////////////////////////////////
 for(int i = 0; i < paragraphe.length; i++) {
   chaine += paragraphe[ i];  
 //detecter les a dans une chaine caractere//////////////////////////////////////////////
 for (int i = 0; i < taillems; i = i+1) {
 println("il y a " + lesA + " A");

void draw(){

thanks to help me I go crazy
Re: find position of letters in a text
Reply #1 - Jun 1st, 2010, 3:11am
You are getting the character positions for the letters A/a once you have that you can calculate the number of pixels from the start of the string to the character using textWidth(); e.g.

// if p is the charater position in string s then
// px = number of pixels to start of character
px = textWidth(s.substring(p));

Re: find position of letters in a text
Reply #2 - Jun 1st, 2010, 3:48pm
When I have the time I'll help you with a nice "classy" way of doing it! Would be fun.
Re: find position of letters in a text
Reply #3 - Jun 1st, 2010, 3:49pm
if a monospaced type is an option you probably save a lot of work as you know that every char has the same width.
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