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IndexDiscussionExhibition › pong with wiimote
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pong with wiimote (Read 1464 times)
pong with wiimote
May 30th, 2010, 12:01pm
I was working in a pong based game, using the wiiusej library. I made two versions:
In the first one, the rackets are controlled pointing the wiimote at the screen (IR bar needed). And the gravity of the court can be controlled by tilting the wiimote.
Since I dont have two wiimotes and I wanted the game to be multiplayer, the second version needs the wiimote to be in the top of the screen, facing to the players. And each player have an IR light. So they must move it to control the racket.

Im still working on it and theres a lot of TODOs hehe. Feel free to suggest anything, or modify the code Wink


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