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Image Issues (Read 1393 times)
Image Issues
May 27th, 2010, 8:18am

I have an issue with images.

I have an image declared at the top of my code

PImage pic_a;

Then in void setup() I have the path of the image declared:

 pic_a= loadImage("a.png");

There are several different images declared in this way....

Then in XML I am using for loops to find out which image I want to display depending on the XML child data using getName().

I want to put that get name (which I guarantee is the same as the image variable I've declared above) in to the image function:


However when I do this I get the error:

The method image (PImage,float,float,float,float) in the PApplet is not applicable  for the arguments (String,int,int,int,int).

What does this mean and is there a way to fix it???

Re: Image Issues
Reply #1 - May 27th, 2010, 8:53am
getName() will return a string, the name of the image, while image() expects to get a PImage. Different stuff.
If you use each image only once and your sketch isn't time critical, you can do the loadImage using this string on the fly then use image(loadedImage, ...) there.

Otherwise, more efficiently, you need to find back a PImage depending on the name of the file. For this, you can use a HashMap. Use the image name as key to put the PImage objects, use the getName() as key to get them back.
Re: Image Issues
Reply #2 - May 27th, 2010, 8:30pm
Ok. So I can't do it the way I want.

Here's the problem.

I have an XML file which is using children to tell me which image to display. The image path/PImage variable is exactly the same as the filename.

I need to get the XML child and then find out which image it is (in other words compare it to the PImage variable and then if it matches then print it.

What are my options??

I tried :


but it always winds up false.....of course...because "images[b]" is a PImage variable array. I know they are the same but the computer doesn't.

Can I turn the "images[b]" variable in to a string just for the checking purposes??
Re: Image Issues
Reply #3 - May 27th, 2010, 11:03pm
the same problem as before, PImage is not a String.
So like PhiLho suggested. You can use a HashMap. Instead of using an index to access your images you use a given string, in your case the information you get from the xml file.

Another idea he mentioned is to load the image when needed, so in this case you have one PImage.
in this case  pic_a= loadImage("tiles.getName()"); and just overwrite it when you need another image.
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